Orange County NC Website
11 <br />may be imposed on Landlord by any ground lease, mortgage, or deed of trust. <br />encumbering the Shopping Center. There#ore, if Landlord does not receive the <br />Minimum Rent, Additional Rent, any other. Lease costs or other monies due <br />hereunder in full on or. before the fifth (5th) day of the month it becomes due, <br />with the exception of the July payments which shall be due and payable no later <br />than the 10th day of July. County shall be in Default under this Lease if any <br />payment is not paid on or before its due date. Should County be in Default, for <br />not making a payment on or before its due date, than in that event upon ten (10) <br />days wriften notice from Landlord, interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) or at <br />the highest rate allowed by law, whichever is less, shall accrue on the amount of <br />such sums in default or other sums of money due Landlord hereunder. <br />9. SITE PLAN. Exhibit B sets forth the general layout of the Shopping Center. <br />Landlord may change or alter the parking lot layout, so long as the total number <br />of parking spaces available to the County as of the Effective Date is not reduced <br />below 450. Landlord may not change or alter any of the buildings in the <br />Shopping Center, nor may Landlord sell or lease any portions of the Shopping <br />Center except iri accordance with Section 43 "Option to Purchase" of this Lease <br />and except in accordance with the Right of Refusal. Landlord hereby agrees <br />that the location and actual size of the Demised Premises shall remain <br />unchanged. <br />10. LANDLORD'S WORK. See "AS IS° Rider attached hereto as Exhibit "C". AEI <br />other work done by Landlord at County's request (if any and for which Landlord <br />shall have no obligation to perform unless agreed to in writing} shall be at <br />County's expense and shall be paid for within ten (10) days after the presentation <br />to County of a bill for such work. <br />11. COUNTY'S WORK. Other than work done pursuant to Section 10, all work is to <br />be performed by County at its expense, except as provided in "Completion <br />Allowance" Rider attached hereto as Exhibit E (hereinafter referred to as <br />"County's Work") shall be in accordance with Exhibit D attached hereto. All entry <br />into the Demised Premises and work done by County shall be at County's risk <br />and all work shall be subject to Landlord's approval and shat[ be in accordance <br />with good construction practices, all applicable laws, and insurance <br />requirements. Further, Landlord shall have no responsibility or liability for any <br />loss or damage to County's property and County agrees to pay for any utilities <br />used prior to the Rent Commencement Date. County shall furnish all certificates <br />and approvals, which may be necessary, so that a certificate of occupancy for <br />the Demised Premises may be issued, a copy of which shall be delivered to <br />Landlord. The Demised Premises shall be ready for the opening of County's <br />business by the Outside Opening Date. Within ninety (90) days from the date of <br />this Lease, County shall prepare and deliver to Landlord 2 copies of detailed <br />plans and specifications on 11" x 17" paper of the improvements to the Demised <br />Premises to be constructed by County in compliance with Exhibit "B" attached <br />hereto and made a part hereof. If County's plans and specifications are not <br />acceptable to Landlord, Landlord will advise County of the required modifications <br />to County's plans and specifications. County shall modify and deliver to <br />Landlord its revised plans and specifications as soon as practicable from receipt <br />of Landlord's required modifications. Landlord and County will continue this <br />process until Landlord has approved County's plans and specifications <br />("County's Work"). As soon as practicable from receipt of Landlord's approval of <br />County of Orange, in North Carolina - ]3i71sborongh Commons 07/02/08 ~~ <br />I~~1 <br />'L/O ~ ~ <br />