Orange County NC Website
7 <br />COMPLAINTS <br />A complaint is "a claim concerning any action on the part of a department or contract agency or <br />firm involved in carrying out the County's housing and community development programs based <br />upon an event or condition which affects the circumstances under which a citizen lives, allegedly <br />caused by misinterpretation, unfair application, violation of contract or lack of established policy <br />pertaining to program implementation and which the complainant feels infringes upon the health, <br />safety, welfare or right to due process for himself/herself or his/her family, property or personal <br />possessions. <br />A citizen may file a written or verbal complaint regarding the Consolidated Plan, its <br />amendments, the Annual Performance Report, and/or any County administered Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) program activity. In addition, a resident beneficiary of <br />County administered housing and community development programs may file a written or verbal <br />complaint to the County Housing and Community Development Department. Within five (5) <br />working days the Department shall respond in writing to the complaint. <br />If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response, he or she can appeal in writing to the Orange <br />County Manager. The County Manager has ten (10) working days to respond in writing to the <br />complaint. The decision of the County Manager shall be final. <br />ACCESS TO RECORDS <br />The County shall provide full public access to program information and will make good faith <br />efforts to keep citizens informed, consistent with the rights of privacy and obligations of <br />confidentiality. <br />Program files regarding program utilization and are located in the office of Orange County <br />Housing and Comity Development office and are available upon request. Further, copies of the <br />Consolidated Plan are kept in each Public Library in the county and will be made available on <br />governmental web sites as technologically possible. <br />EFFECTIVE DATE <br />This plan was adopted on January 24, 2012 and supersedes all previously written Citizen <br />Participation Plans. The Board of Commissioners must approve all future amendments to this <br />plan. <br />