Orange County NC Website
4 <br />4. Reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information and records related to <br />the County's proposed and actual use of federal and state funding will be provided <br />to citizens to facilitate their meaningful participation. <br />5. All citizens shall be provided an opportunity to submit their views and proposals during <br />all phases of program design and implementation. <br />6. Ethnic and culturally diverse members of the community shall be encouraged to <br />participate on any countywide or community based advisory committees established in <br />conjunction with housing and community development activities. <br />PROCESS OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION <br />The County shall provide adequate information to citizens, hold public hearings to obtain views <br />regarding application development and program implementation, and provide citizens with an <br />opportunity to comment of program performance. The role of citizens will be specified in this <br />Plan. The Housing and Community Development Department, under the direction of the County <br />Manager, has primary responsibility for administering housing and community development <br />programs in the County. Therefore, this department shall facilitate citizen participation as <br />outlined below. <br />PROGRAM/PLAN DEVELOPMENT <br />CONSOLIDATED PLAN <br />During the development of the Consolidated Plan, the County will consult the local public <br />housing authorities, residents of public and assisted housing developments, local housing <br />development non-profit agencies as well as other interested citizens to assess the housing needs <br />of the community. A public hearing will be held to provide an opportunity for the public to <br />provide their assessment of housing needs and priorities prior to publishing the proposed <br />Consolidated Plan. <br />A summary of comments received in writing or orally at the public hearings will be prepared and <br />attached to the final Consolidated Plan. <br />After this hearing, the County will make available the Proposed Consolidated Plan for Orange <br />County for public comment for a period, not less than thirty (30) days. Notice regarding the <br />location of the Plan document and the process for commenting will be provided to the <br />abovementioned groups by individual mailings and to the general public by advertisement in the <br />Chapel Hill Herald/The Herald-Sun. At a minimum, a copy of the document will be placed in the <br />Chapel Hill Library and the Orange County Library. The document will also be available for <br />review on the County's Internet site. Special attention will be given to making reasonable <br />accommodations to provide the plan document to persons with disabilities upon request. <br />