Orange County NC Website
<br />10. County Manager's Report <br />11. County Attorney's Report <br />12. Appointments <br />a. Orange. County Arts Commission -Appointment <br />b. Orange County Emergency Services Workgroup -Appointments <br />c. Human Relations Commission -Appointment <br />d. Orange County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee -Appointment <br />13. Board Comments (Three Minute Limit Per Commissioner) <br />14. Information Items <br />• December 13, 2011 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br />15. Closed Session <br />"To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the <br />attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby <br />acknowledged. General policy matters may not be discussed in a closed session and nothing herein <br />shall be construed to permit a public body to close a meeting that otherwise would be open merely <br />because an attorney employed or retained by the public body is a participant." NCGS § <br />143-318.11(a) (3). <br />To approve and open closed session minutes. <br />"To discuss matters related to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area <br />served by the public body, including agreement on a tentative list of economic development <br />incentives that may be offered by the public body in negotiations," NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(4). <br />16. Adjournment <br />A summary of the Board's actions from this meeting will be <br />available on the County's website the day after the meeting. <br />Note: Access the agenda through the County's web site, www. co. orange. nc. us <br />