2011-385 AMS - McGill Associates, P.A. - design of McGowan Creek Gravity Sewer Interceptor
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2011-385 AMS - McGill Associates, P.A. - design of McGowan Creek Gravity Sewer Interceptor
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Last modified
2/15/2012 3:56:45 PM
Creation date
1/17/2012 4:27:31 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Mr. Craig Benedict <br />October 20, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />Survev <br />^ Prepare a routing survey of the proposed gravity sewer interceptor from the existing <br />McGowan PS to the proposed Brookhollow PS. Survey will include pertinent data for <br />preparation of design plans for the proposed sewers, along with any available property line <br />information for future preparation of easements. <br />^ Verify vertical and horizontal control consistency with current project plans. <br />^ Verify critical force main routing elevations for pumping from the Brookhollow PS to <br />Hillsborough and Mebane, utilizing GPS technology. <br />McGowan Interceptor Preliminarv Design <br />^ Utilizing field survey, prepare a routing of the proposed sewers, and review routing with the <br />OWNER to verify acceptance and compliance with applicable County regulations. <br />^ Prepare a profile of the proposed sewers to determine needed depth at the Brookhollow PS. <br />^ Prepare a preliminary opinion of cost for the proposed sewer interceptor. <br />Broolchollow PS Analysis and Redesignn <br />^ Based on current and proposed service areas contributory to the proposed pump station, <br />prepare design calculations for pumping capacity and storage volume needed to modify the <br />pump station. <br />^ Discuss with OWNER routing options for directing flow from the proposed pump station to <br />the City of Mebane in the future. Evaluate the feasibility of these options, and develop order <br />of magnitude preliminary cost estimates and electricity requirements for the feasible options. <br />o Prepare pumping system head calculations for each of three (3) force main routing options; <br />1) current project PS capacity flowing to the McGowan PS with increased wetwell depth, 2) <br />all proposed Efland flows to Hillsborough, and 3)all proposed Efland flows to Mebane. <br />^ Based on system head calculations, recommend pump conditions for the force main options <br />and recommend initial pump selection to easily be modified to meet future desired ' - <br />conditions. <br />^ Prepare revised electrical design to accommodate future pump conditions. <br />
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