Orange County NC Website
Design Documents, Specifications, Analysis, Reports, and Addenda related to this <br />project (designate all attachments). In the event a term or condition in any <br />document or attachment conflicts with a term or condition of this Agreement the <br />term or condition in this Agreement shall control. Should such conflict arise the <br />priority of documents shall be as follows: This Agreement, the County's RFP <br />together with attachments, Provider's Proposal together with attachments. <br />ii) The Basic Services will be performed by the Provider in accordance with the <br />following schedule: (Insert task list and milestone dates) <br />Task Milestone Date <br />1. Part A: Link Analysis 4/18/11 <br />2. Part A: Wellfield Plan 4/18/11 <br />3. Part A: Out to Bid 5/4/11 <br />4. Part A: Bid Opening 6/1/11 <br />5. Part A: Bid Award 6/21/11 <br />6. Part A: NTP 7/1/11 <br />7. Part B: Completion 9/1/11 <br />8. Part A: Completion 12/31/11 <br />9. <br />10. <br />iii) Should County reasonably determine that Provider has not met the Milestone <br />Dates established in Section 3(a)(ii), County shall notify Provider of the failure to <br />meet the Milestone Date. The County, at its discretion may provide the Provider <br />seven (7) days to cure the breach. County may withhold the accompanying <br />payment without penalty until such time as Provider cures the breach. In the <br />alternative, upon Provider's failure to meet any Milestone Date the County may <br />modify the Milestone Date schedule. Should Provider or its representatives fail to <br />cure the breach within seven (7) days, or fail to reasonably agree to such modified <br />schedule, County may immediately terminate this Agreement in writing, without <br />penalty or incurring further obligation to Provider. This section shall not be <br />interpreted to limit the definition of breach to the failure to meet Milestone Dates. <br />4. Duration of Services <br />a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from March 11, 2011 to 12/31/2011. <br />b. Schedulin;; of Services <br />i) The Provider shall schedule and perform his activities in a timely manner so as to <br />meet the Milestone Dates listed in Section 3. <br />ii) Should the County determine that the Provider is behind schedule, it may require <br />the Provider to expedite and accelerate his efforts, including providing additional <br />resources and working overtime, as necessary, to perform his services in <br />accordance with the approved project schedule at no additional cost to the <br />County. <br />Revised July 2010 3 <br />