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cost-of-living increase for County employees. He hopes that the economy will improve and that an increase <br /> can be given later in the year. <br /> John Link said that the last page of the handout gives potential ways to off set possible loss of <br /> state revenues for FY 2002-03. Since Orange County may potentially lose $3.1 million in Inventory and <br /> Intangibles (equivalent to 3.3 cents) in next fiscal year, staff has identified potential options to postpone or <br /> reduce in the upcoming year. <br /> Donna Dean mentioned that the NCACC recommends that cuts come from one-time expenditures <br /> such as capital projects. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to a suggestion to delay personal computer replacements for one <br /> year and asked if this would put the County on a four-year cycle for computers instead of a three-year cycle <br /> and Rod Visser confirmed this statement. Rod Visser indicated that hopefully we could get back to a three- <br /> year cycle. Replacement costs for a four-year cycle would be $156,000. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about the County projects, which may be delayed, and John Link said that <br /> they have not yet been identified. <br /> Commissioner Brown made reference to the cost of living and in-range salary increases for County <br /> employees and asked if there are any other possibilities for County employees that would not cost any <br /> money, like an increase in vacation days, etc. John Link said that he hopes in the recommended budget that <br /> he will be able to include something for County employees. He said that there are other options that would <br /> not cost any money. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked how to anticipate for next year. John Link said that he is optimistic that <br /> the economy is turning around and getting better. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that one year ago at budget time, John Link volunteered to make some <br /> cuts so that the employees could have an increase. He said that it seemed like the County did okay and <br /> wanted to know if this % of cuts could be increased. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that assuming that the State returned the money owed the County, he would like to <br /> do whatever he could to lessen the burden on the taxpayer. <br /> John Link said that last year the County Commissioners were sensitive to the tax increases levied by <br /> the municipalities and tried to lower the County's increase to lessen the impact on Orange County citizens. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the 4-1/2 cent increase and how much is associated with debt <br /> service and Donna Dean said about two cents is for debt service for the 1997 bonds. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked what the debt service on the 1997 bonds would be next year and Ken <br /> Chavious said that the number would be similar but that another tax increase would not be necessary. He <br /> said that of the $1.7 million in bonds sold, $1.1 million were for schools. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked what the County Commissioners' contingency is right now and Chair <br /> Jacobs said $100,000. He said that staff is going to provide a chart showing how contingency has been used <br /> for the last few years. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that last year we tried to be sensitive to what was happening in the <br /> municipalities and had asked John Link to keep the Board informed as to the increases expected by the <br /> municipalities. Also, there were some fire district tax increases and water increases. Impacts can be layered <br /> on top of each other increasing impacts on citizens. <br />