Orange County NC Website
t <br /> 6. Asphaltic concrete mix shall be NCDOT Type 1-3. Compact the asphaltic concrete to at least 95 percent <br /> of the relative compaction and constructed only when the surface is dry. No asphaltic concrete shall be <br /> placed when the weather is foggy or rainy or when the base on which the material is to be placed is in a <br /> wet or frozen condition. <br /> 7. Quality control on the subgrade and asphaltic concrete shall be done per the latest NCDOT standard. <br /> 8. The County encourages the use of asphalt mix containing recycled asphalt shingles. The composition of <br /> recycled shingle in the mix shall be per current industry standard. <br /> 9. The successful contractor shall develop his work schedule in stages such to minimize the impact on the <br /> facility's normal traffic and operations. <br /> BID DOCUMENT 1630 <br />