Viper Analysis Report - 11-17-2011 - 1 - Attachment 2
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Viper Analysis Report - 11-17-2011 - 1 - Attachment 2
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1- Attachment 2
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CTA Communications <br />Orange RaCE Test Report <br />3.0 Summary Of Testing And Conclusions Reached <br />3.1 Talk -In DAQ <br />The Talk -In DAQ results for the analog channel tested are indicated in FIGURE B - 2. <br />Out of 705 test grids, 317 grids passed (Passed grid = 3.0 or higher, see SECTION 5.1 <br />for channel performance criterion). This equates to a portable on the hip talk -in reliability <br />of 45 %. <br />3.2 Talk -Out DAQ <br />The Talk -In DAQ results for the analog channel tested are indicated in FIGURE B - 3. <br />Out of 695 test grids, 467 grids passed (Passed grid = 3.0 or higher, see SECTION 5.1 <br />for channel performance criterion). This equates to a portable on the hip talk -out <br />reliability of 67 %. <br />3.3 RSSI <br />FIGURES B - 4 through B - 10 indicate the RSSI measurements for the following sites: <br />Camden, Cane, Chatham, Cole Mil, Hillsborough, Laws, and UNC. These show the <br />received signal levels for the control channel of the indicated sites that were collected <br />during the DAQ testing. Green colored dots have sufficient signal strength to support <br />portable -on- the - street communications. Gray colored dots have signal levels sufficient <br />for mobile communications, but probably not strong enough to support reliable portable <br />operation. Red colored dots indicate signal strength too low for reliable communications <br />of any kind to or from the selected radio site. <br />FIGURE B -11 indicates the highest RSSI value for a given test location from all the sites <br />to show overall system performance based upon signal strength alone. Out of 1084 total <br />test locations, 918 of those locations have a RSS greater than -93 dBm which should be <br />sufficient to support portable on the hip operations. This corresponds to an area <br />reliability for portable operations of 85 %. An additional 151 test locations had sufficient <br />signal strength to support mobile operations (> -102 dBm). This gives a mobile <br />operations area reliability of 98 %. Only two (2) percent of the locations tested did not <br />have sufficient signal strength to support any radio operations. <br />FIGURE B -12 indicates where each of the seven sites tested had the highest RSSI value <br />and would be the ideal best server for the area. <br />FIGURE B -13 is a consolidation of the where the radio was affiliated with during the DAQ <br />testing and best server information that was obtained from the RSSI measurements <br />indicated in B -12. The border shading of the grids indicate the site that had the highest <br />received signal strength for that location. The interior color of the grid indicates which <br />site, based upon the mobile radio's transmit frequency, the radio was actually affiliated. <br />In areas where the colors match, then the affiliation would appear to be correct. If the <br />colors don't match then there is a disparity between which site the talk -in test was <br />affiliated with and which site had the highest RSSI. <br />
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