Minutes 10-04-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 10-04-2011
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Last modified
8/20/2015 9:46:54 AM
Creation date
1/3/2012 9:09:42 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 10-04-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 10-04-2011
Agenda - 10-04-2011 - 4a
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Agenda - 10-04-2011 - 5m
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 10-04-2011
Agenda - 10-04-2011 - 7a
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Agenda - 10-04-2011 - 8a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 10-04-2011
ORD-2011-031 Application for NC Education Lottery Proceeds for Schools
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2011
ORD-2011-032 Purchase of Three Ambulances and Approval of Budget Amendment #2-C
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-084 Resolution approving Motor Vehicle Property Tax Release/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-085 Resolution approving Property Tax Release/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-086 Resolution approving Applications for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-087 Resolution Regarding Bond Order Authorizing General Obligation Refunding Bonds in the Maximum Amount of $47,000,000 to Refund Public Improvements Bonds Issued in 2004 and 2005
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
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Craig Benedict: Good evening, my name is Craig Benedict, Orange County Planning <br /> Director. We are in the process of the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan that we identified a <br /> glitch between urban development and County areas. In County areas, the Department of <br /> Transportation is responsible for roads and if there were sidewalks, they would be responsible <br /> for sidewalks. DOT policy is that they do not, on a regular basis, do sidewalks, so we're left in <br /> a lurch. How do we ask for sidewalks in an urban area under County jurisdiction? That is <br /> something that is going to be discussed this Thursday night in a work session. Yes, it is two <br /> days' difference. We had hoped to try to bring that information forward. There are some <br /> options, but they're not all clear. For example, it does say that if you put sidewalks on private <br /> property it would have to be maintained by a homeowner's association. In the Homestead <br /> Road area, under County jurisdiction, not yet annexed by Chapel Hill and Carrboro, we were <br /> able to do a four-party agreement— County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and DOT— and kind of <br /> transfer that responsibility back to the municipal governments for maintenance of those <br /> roadway areas. Those options are not available to us at this time. From a professional <br /> standpoint, I think sidewalks in an urban setting, such as this Efland intensity area, are <br /> something that we should encourage. I do not have the answers to bring it to the service right. <br /> But it will be discussed more at length on Thursday. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: Thank you for all of that information, but you still didn't answer my <br /> question, which is why that discussion is coming after this discussion, when we knew this <br /> discussion was going to include the issue, which the Planning Board also identified on whether <br /> or not this subdivision should have sidewalks. It isn't logical. It's not a logical progression. <br /> We're asked to make a decision, which the Planning Board wrestled with, and then have a <br /> conversation about how we might have addressed an issue just like this in just this area. I'm <br /> just struggling with how we planned it that way. <br /> Craig Benedict: I would have enjoyed having the sidewalks discussion at the September <br /> work session. It did not come to fruition at an earlier work session during the review of this. <br /> The earliest available work session was October 6th. That's how it got out of the sequence. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: My understanding is that the Planning Board recommended the <br /> sidewalks if this particular developer was not going to be obligated to put them in and to <br /> maintain them. Is there anything that would preclude a third party, whatever the unidentified <br /> third party was, that would put in and maintain the sidewalks. Is there anything that would <br /> preclude that from happening within the DOT right-of-way if this project was approved? <br /> Craig Benedict: The only clause I'm familiar with is DOT would permit an encroachment <br /> agreement that they want some sort of governmental entity to be responsible. So maybe there <br /> is a third party we don't know about. Ultimately, if that third party is not a governmental entity, <br /> we're going to have to be the cosigner for that. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: I just want to clarify, there's nothing that would prevent us from doing <br /> that in two months or two years from now in this area if that was the decision that this Board <br /> came to. Is that correct? <br /> Craig Benedict: That's correct. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: We had an item before us. Were there any other questions of the <br /> staff? Seeing none, I think we need to give the public an opportunity to speak. Are there any <br />
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