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Michael Harvey: Since you have modified the application, I would request that you ask the <br /> applicant to come forward and articulate for the record her approval of the revised condition, <br /> so that it's on the record. She has been sworn from the public hearing. <br /> Susan Levy: Susan Levy, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity. Yes we would agree <br /> with that change in condition. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: Just a point, what I think is clarification. We want to have a condition <br /> that here that precludes Orange County from assuming responsibility for sidewalks certainly up <br /> front. We are saying that we don't want to require this particularly developer to have to provide <br /> sidewalks for this particular development. But we don't want to say that we want to preclude <br /> all developers from having to provide sidewalks in all developments if Orange County is not <br /> going to provide the sidewalk. I actually think the language that Habitat suggested is clearer in <br /> that regard because it is very clearly specific just to this development. If it's clear that's what <br /> we're doing and that we're not saying to other developers that this is a blanket statement. I <br /> just want to be clear that's what we're doing. <br /> Michael Harvey: All major subdivisions, all conditional use special use permit applications are <br /> reviewed on a case-by-case basis. They are not based on what you've done in other <br /> subdivisions. So, for example, if you had not required Ashwick but you're going to require <br /> Tinnin Woods, the fact that you didn't require for Ashwick is not material to the discussion <br /> because each project is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: So, it's not sidewalks, it's this particular development's sidewalks. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: I think then, if there are no more questions about conditions from any <br /> of the Commissioners. I think we need a motion to include all of this information in the record. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to include all of the attachments, except pages 48-50, into the record. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Gordon: In this discussion, when we get to this item 15, we could either put <br /> this condition in or not, we just can't change it. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: That's correct. <br /> Vote on closing public hearing (motion made above) <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Consideration of rezoning: <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve the Resolution of Rezoning Approval contained within Attachments 7 and 8 of the <br /> agenda. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />