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members of the public, I see that no one has signed up. That being the case, I think that we <br /> would move to close the public hearing, if there was a motion to do so. <br /> Public Comment <br /> None. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to close the public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger: I just want to say that I appreciate all of the changes and <br /> updates. It's a much better plan. <br /> Michael Harvey: Before you close, may I beg your indulgence? As you are making decisions <br /> on this, please remember as you're going through the various sections of Attachment 9, if <br /> there are specific items you have questions, if you close the public hearing, I can't respond to <br /> any condition if you have a question on it or a finding if you have a question on it. I also ask, <br /> within your deliberations, that you recognize that the applicant, while they agree with the <br /> conditions, has requested some word-smithing changes. For the record, staff has no concern <br /> or problem with the word-smithing changes and asks that if you do take affirmative action on <br /> the petition, you do so consistent with the applicant's request to modify the conditions and staff <br /> will correct those as suggested. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: It's not clear to me how we move forward with making a decision on <br /> this item while the public hearing is still on. Maybe the Attorney can answer that question. <br /> John Roberts: If there are specific items that you have questions about, I think it's best that <br /> you ask Michael about it before you close the public hearing. After you close the public <br /> hearing, if there are additional questions as you go through the motions, I'm still permitted to <br /> give you advice. <br /> Michael Harvey: I wanted to see if anybody had any questions about the findings. I could <br /> answer them now. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: I think that was the purpose of the question, and I saw that there <br /> were no questions about the findings. Let's be clear on the changes that have been requested <br /> by Habitat. Where would those be incorporated? <br /> Michael Harvey: Under the conditions contained in Attachment 9, there are approximately 74 <br /> conditions. They have provided specific numbers of conditions where they'd like to see word <br /> changes. What you would essentially be doing, again, if your motion is to approve, would be <br /> to approve the conditions as recommended by the Planning Board, with the word changes as <br /> suggested by the applicant. Now what I would also further say and in consultation with the <br /> Planning Director, you have a recommendation before you from the Planning Board <br /> concerning sidewalks. There are obviously going to be decisions concerning the sidewalks <br /> and further discussion. That is the Planning Board's recommendation. County staff cannot <br /> take a position on the final disposition of said condition as stated on this letter, which is going <br /> to be entered into the record by this Board as to the validity of this statement or the <br /> correctness of this statement. All we can ask you to do is accept that you've been provided by <br /> the Planning Board in terms of the recommendation. <br />