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parties in January for them to review and the school systems would use it in their capital investment <br />planning. The new model or updated information would be certified by the Board. The decision would <br />be the County Commissioners' in the following years. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that one thing about the charts is that they use the two-month <br />average daily membership (ADM.) The numbers from the School Facilities task farce are the three- <br />monthADM. She said that the School Facilities task force needs to continue where it left off and <br />finish the report. <br />John Link said that he feels that one outcome of the Schools Facilities task force should be <br />absolute understanding and agreement on capacity, membership, and projections so that when the <br />report is presented to the County Commissioners for the Capital Improvement Plan, that the County <br />Commissioners feel comfortable with committing the amount of money it takes to build the schools. If <br />there is disagreement and fractured understanding, then the County Commissioners cannot be <br />comfortable spending the money for new schools. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the Bond task force and said that there was an <br />incredible rush that both elementary schools (Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools) had to be on the <br />bond and that both had to be built simultaneously. Then two months later, it is another high school <br />and Elementary School #10 is not needed right away. She asked if this process {the APFO} would <br />prevent this type of situation from occurring again. Craig Benedict said that it should make it better <br />than it is now. <br />John Link said that this question needs to go back to the School Facilities task force. He said <br />that there is no state law that requires County Commissioners to do any of the things that they are <br />doing regarding the schools. The County Commissioners need to be comfortable with these <br />decisions. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis made reference to an article that he found in his garage about <br />projection methods and how they are so important because they mean money to school systems. He <br />said that the bottom line is the dollar sign with the school systems. He said that we need to take the <br />emotionalism out of this and make it as scientific as possible. If the APFO is to be successful, <br />everybody must agree to it. He commended the staff for developing this ordinance. <br />Commissioner Carey said that this process for determining membership has been important and <br />it will contribute to better planning for school facilities. He feels that the County Commissioners need <br />to decide on one method for determining student membership and the model that will be followed. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Student Capacity by School District chart that was <br />in the agenda packet. She said that two things you will need for the APFO are the membership <br />numbers and the capacity numbers. She would like to authorize the distribution of these sheets in the <br />format that was suggested (figure 5, page 10) and pass it on to the school boards. She suggested at <br />the bottom of the page to put a note that reads, "These charts show membership and capacity data <br />from fall 2001." Also, it could be mentioned that Cedar Ridge High School is opening and <br />membership information will be updated when fall 2002 data becomes available. <br />Chair Jacobs said that there are some issues about how capacity is defined and adjusted and <br />the School Facilities task force should discuss it. Commissioner Gordon said that last time the School <br />Facilities Task Force went with the capacity of the schools using state criteria. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed to sending this on to the school boards with the stipulation that we are <br />referring the issue of how capacity is defined and adjusted to the School Facilities task force for <br />review. <br />Commissioner Gordan will give this student capacity information to the staff to be sent to both <br />school boards. <br />Commissioner Gordon explained the reasoning behind the change in Elementary School #10. <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro did not have as big an increase as expected in the elementary schools. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that the School Facilities task force visit facilities in both <br />systems to see how the rooms are being used. He said that there are some 1250 square foot rooms <br />with three severely physically and mentally handicapped children and three teachers in both school <br />systems. There is also an issue with the pre-K program and how it fits into capacity. <br />