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Orange County. He heard this morning that the Governor is considering cuts in Medicaid monies. <br />He thinks it is totally inappropriate to balance the budget on the backs of the young and the very old. <br />Commissioner Brown encouraged the public and the County Commissioners to take advantage of <br />the groups being formed to discuss mental health reform and to participate in developing the plan that <br />must be developed this summer. Anyone interested in participating can call the Clerk to the Board <br />Beverly Blythe orOrange-Person-Chatham Mental Health. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Triangle Transit Authority {TTA} is recruiting for a General <br />Manager and will be interviewing soon. She sent to all the County Commissioners a summary of the <br />Transportation Advisory Committee meeting prepared by Karen Lincoln. The Transportation Advisory <br />Council {TAC) approved the regional priority list. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the Capital Investment Plan {CIP} public hearing and if there <br />was going to be one April 16t" as well as tonight because the school systems are on spring break right <br />now. She also does not think that the CIP public hearing was advertised in the newspaper. She asked <br />that it be noticed in the newspaper. <br />Chair Jacobs congratulated Gail Goestenkors and the Duke Women's basketball team for reaching <br />the final four. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the situation on Orange Grove Road and said that he and the <br />County Manager talked about following up a luncheon meeting held with DOT because he shares the <br />same concerns. He spoke about the Heritage apartment community and the fact that there are no <br />sidewalks. This is another last opportunity. He would hate to see any more opportunities last. <br />Chair Jacobs said that we have in the past tried to work with Club Nava. One of the listings for the <br />Visitors' Bureau is a direct result of the efforts of the Personnel Department to hook up Club Nova. <br />Chair Jacobs said that when the Assembly of Governments meeting is held later this month, maybe <br />there should be a discussion about the budget implications of the state cutting back county and <br />municipal funding. He said that the discussion of all of these additional cuts that are potentially at the <br />expense of those least able to protect themselves brings those issues to a different level of focus. We <br />may need to talk about addressing some of the holes of our safety net at a local level. We may need to <br />talk to our colleagues about how we can band together to make sure that there are not children left <br />behind or seniors left alone in their houses or people thrown out into the community without adequate <br />support. He encouraged all the County Commissioners when speaking to members of other elected <br />boards in the County to start the conversation about focusing on some kind of common cause. <br />Chair Jacobs mentioned that there is going to be a community meeting next Monday, April 8t", at <br />7:00 p.m. at the Faith Tabernacle Church on Rogers Road regarding the provision of water service to the <br />historic Rogers Road area. This is an opportunity for citizens in that area to have their questions <br />answered. <br />Commissioner Brawn asked why the Town of Hillsborough is permitting apartment complexes <br />without requiring the developer to put in sidewalks. She thought that it was the function of municipalities <br />to provide sidewalks. <br />County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill said that in all probability, the Orange Grove Road area is in the <br />extraterritorial planning jurisdiction of Hillsborough. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the EDD work group had a number of recommendations and one of the <br />recommendations was to continue working on other issues. He said that he believes we need to have a <br />meeting with the Town of Hillsborough and talk about some of these issues. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT -NONE <br />5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Resolution Honoring Marcia Argo, Orange County Schools Teacher <br />The Board considered a resolution honoring Orange County Schools' teacher Marcia Argo far <br />approximately 50 years of service to education. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis read the resolution. A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, <br />seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated <br />below: <br />