Orange County NC Website
Matthew Barton, Legislative Liaison for McDougle Elementary School PTA, thanked the <br />County Commissioners for their support for school funding. He is pleased that there is funding far a third <br />high school in the CIP. He feels that it is important that planning for the third high school start <br />immediately. He asked haw high school #3 could be built for the same cost as a middle school. The <br />school projections are showing that in the 7t" or 8t" year, the third high school will be full and there will be <br />a need for a high school #4. He said that Steve Scroggs, Assistant Superintendent for the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro City Schools, has said that it is possible that Elementary School enrollment will begin to decline <br />this next year. Mr. Scroggs will know better about this next September. He said that he is glad that <br />impact fee money is going to provide much of the funding for High School #3. He supports the <br />continuation of impact fees far the future. <br />Annette Jurgoski represents the Orange-Chatham group of the Sierra Club, which is a group <br />of conservationists. She agreed with everything that Roy Fartmann said. She reiterated that in the <br />triangle area we are losing 45 acres of green space a day. Within two years, the triangle region would <br />have lost 33,840 acres. There is going to be a lot less land to choose from by this time. She does <br />endorse the proposal by the Commission for the Environment to move the funding up to fiscal year 2003- <br />2004. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to set an <br />additional public hearing on the CIP for April 16, 2002, to set a public hearing far Durham Technical <br />Community College Satellite Campus for April 16, 2002, and to advertise these two public hearings in the <br />same way that other public hearings are advertised. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she feels that some of the questions that came up in the <br />comments tonight should be clarified -lands legacy and school funding. <br />Chair Jacobs said that we could get back to people that had specific questions through the <br />decision of the CIP. In answerto the questions about school funding and the third high school and <br />whether there would be a fourth high school in the 10-year time frame, the high school planning work <br />group would probably bring some answers to this. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION -CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />those items on the Consent Agenda as stated below: <br />a. Chance in Berard of County Commissioners Meeting Schedule <br />The Board amended its regular meeting schedule to add meetings on April 17, April 18, and <br />May 2, 2002, and to cancel the meeting scheduled for April 4, 2002. <br />b. Budget Amendment #5 <br />The Board adapted the budget ordinance amendments and a grant project ordinance for <br />fiscal year 2001-2002, incorporated herein by reference. <br />c. Renewal of Consolidated Agreement between N.C. Department of Health and Human <br />Services and the Orange County Health Department <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign an annual agreement with the N.C. <br />Department of Health and Human Services that provides state and federal funds to the Health <br />Department to partially support mandated services, pending County Attorney review. <br />d. Housing Rehabilitation Contract Award <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign two contract awards to Taylor Home <br />Improvements in the amount of $14,625 at 211 Barnes Street, Carrboro, and $14,875 at 701 Shannon <br />Drive, Chapel Hill, for the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Non-emergency Ambulance Transport <br />