Orange County NC Website
APPROVED 6!6102 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION <br />CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO BOARD OF EDUCATION <br />WORK SESSION <br />MARCH 25, 2002 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in joint session with the Orange County Board <br />of Education and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education on March 25, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. at the <br />Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Barry Jacobs and Commissioners Margaret W. <br />Brown, Moses Carey, Jr., Alice M. Gordan and Stephen Halkiotis <br />COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill and S. Sean Borhanian <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Assistant County Manager Rod <br />Visser and Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe (All other staff members will be identified appropriately <br />below) <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Brenda Stephens, <br />Vice-Chair Dana Thompson and members Robert H. Bateman, Keith Cook, Susan A. Halkiotis, David <br />Kolbinsky and Delores Simpson <br />ORANGE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: Randy Bridges <br />CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Valerie <br />Foushee, Vice-Chair Teresa H. Williams and members Elizabeth Carter, Nicholas M. Didow, Gloria <br />Foley, Maryanne Rosenman and Lisa Stuckey <br />CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: Neil Pedersen <br />NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE PERMANENT <br />AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. <br />1. County OCSICHCCS DiscussionlPolicy Issues <br />a. Short Term and Long Term High School Planning Considerations <br />John Link said that last week the County Commissioners received a Capital Investment Plan <br />presentation for both school systems and for County needs. At that time, he made a recommendation <br />that there be a short-term work group consisting of representatives of all three governing boards and <br />staff to examine the present proposals by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School system for additional high <br />school space. He also noted last week that Superintendent Pedersen had told the Capital Needs Task <br />force that Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools needed two expansions to the two existing high schools, <br />which would cost approximately $8 million. Superintendent Pedersen had also indicated that the school <br />board might be recommending an entire new high school. The Capital Needs Task Force wrestled with <br />that issue and toward the end of the process there was a thought that funding would be included in the <br />bond issue far planning a new high school. The County Commissioners last August made a commitment <br />for funds for planning for a new high school and that money is part of the process. During the past <br />couple of months the school board has talked about building two smaller high schools instead of a larger <br />high school. The first small high school would be needed at this time and another smaller high school <br />toward the end of the decade. Last week he recommended that it would be a good idea for a committee <br />to look at all possibilities for expanding high school space in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. Last <br />Thursday, a small group (Gloria Foley, Nick Didow, Margaret Brown, Alice Gordon, and staff) met to go <br />over the preliminary plans of the Chapel Hill Township Park and educational campus. As the County <br />looks at the CIP for the next ten years, we need to look at this as a plan and not based on decisions <br />made each year. He said that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools could use alternative financing far <br />