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(a) Responsibilities. The Address Administrator shall be responsible for the interpretation <br />and administration of this ordinance, including, but not limited to: <br />(1) Maintaining a system and assigning all numbers for addressable structures; <br />(2) Approval of change of existing addresses when necessary to facilitate sequential <br />house number assignments along existing roads; <br />(3) Establishment of interdepartmental infrastructure to insure continued operation of <br />addressing system to meet the spirit and the intent of this ordinance; <br />(4) Notification to appropriate citizens, governments, agencies, and post offices as <br />required by law; and <br />(b) Clerical or Administrative Errors. The Address Administrator is authorized to correct <br />such clerical or administrative errors that may from time to time occur in keeping with <br />the overall plan and the intent of this ordinance and to approve alternate methods of <br />displaying house numbers which meet the intent of this ordinance when strict adherence <br />to these standards cannot be reasonably met. <br />Ord. of 4-21-1987, § 3, eff. 4-21-1987; Amend. of 12-13-2011, -eff. 12-13-2011 <br />Sec. 6-34 ROAD NAMING <br />(a) Roads located within the unincorporated areas of Orange County, whether public and <br />private, shall not be named or renamed by any method except those set forth in this <br />Article. All existing, proposed, or constructed public or private roads or driveways that <br />provides, or will provide, access to three (3) or more habitable structures that are more <br />than seventy-five feet from the main road shall have a street name and address range <br />assigned. <br />(b) Road Names <br />(1) New Road Names. <br />a. No new public or private road shall be named without approval of the <br />Address Administrator. <br />b. The name of any new road, whether it is public or private, shall not <br />duplicate or be phonetically similar to any other road already named <br />within Orange County. This subsection shall not apply to the extension of <br />existing roads, which should whenever possible be given the same name. <br />New subdivision roads, whether public or private, shall be named prior to <br />the approval of any proposed subdivision or plat. <br />4 <br />