Minutes - 20020225
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020225
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8/14/2008 5:00:05 PM
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8/13/2008 1:59:16 PM
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NS ORD-2002-006 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance Article 9 Signs
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trying to use consistent terminology. There are few differences between the old code and the new code. <br />Probably 98°l0 of it is the same but just written differently. This will require public outreach to explain to <br />homeowners, contractors, etc., that there will be a new code and that it roughly says the same thing, but <br />that there are differences in certain areas. One of the major changes has to do with wind load on <br />structures and waterproofing. There are same issues that could be added to the code specifically for <br />Orange County that would upgrade the standards. There are two companion codes that are still in effect <br />nationwide -National Electric Code and National Fire Code. These codes will remain the same. The <br />staff recommends that after this public hearing the building code be brought back to the Board for <br />approval. <br />Commissioner Brawn asked if the Planning Department plans to do any education far the <br />contractors and Craig Benedict said that they will develop a public outreach program. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked haw Craig Benedict would educate the County <br />Commissioners. She asked that he write the changes out. Craig Benedict said that the staff would not <br />be recommending anything unique for Orange County this year. When it is time for the code to change, <br />it will be very specific. <br />Chair Jacobs said that it will be important to have stakeholder meetings so that people <br />are not alarmed that we are going to change standards that will adversely affect the way in which they <br />live. <br />No action was needed on this item. The County Commissioners will bring it back on a <br />future agenda for consideration of approval. <br />4. Moratorium on Telecommunications Towers <br />Craig Benedict explained that this moratorium would be for six (6) months for <br />telecammunicatiantnwers that are in process, unapproved, or applied for. After this is transmitted to the <br />Planning Board, it will be brought back to the Board of County Commissioners for a recommendation on <br />March 6t". He distributed the draft resolution that would be an the March 6t" agenda. He spoke about <br />the reasons for the moratorium. There have been some questions in the past year about the changes to <br />the telecommunication tower ordinance. There has also been some discussion about the existing <br />regulations and their conformance to the Telecommunication Act of 1996 and questions about any new <br />standards and technology that could be put into the ordinance that would make it more functional and <br />aesthetic. There have been very few towers applied for in the class A category, which is 200 feet and <br />above and would require Planning Board and Board of County Commissioner approval. One of the <br />issues that causes concern is notification to the general public of balloon tests, etc. Another issue has to <br />do with co-location opportunities. The staff will work with the telecommunication industry during the <br />moratorium to identify their needs. The staff will also consult with other stakeholders such as <br />neighborhoods that have towers. Staff is suggesting that the moratorium be invoked for six months to <br />give the planning staff sufficient time to update the regulations based on new technology. Another issue <br />is equity so that the public as well as the appointed bodies all have input instead of it being a purely <br />technical matter. The moratorium would run from March 6t" to September 6t" <br />Chair Jacobs suggested having a primer for the citizens an how to present evidence. He <br />encouraged the staff to take notes on the kinds of questions that come up from citizens and the kinds of <br />issues that arise that are of an evidentiary nature so that citizens can understand the process. <br />Public Comment <br />Robert Ekstrand spoke on behalf of the telecommunications companies such as Verizan, <br />Cingular, AT&T, and Sprint; and also the companies who develop the infrastructure for those facilities <br />such as Crown Castle, SBA, Spector Site, and American Tower. He said that the industry is not at all <br />opposed to the moratorium because the industry and the technology are changing. He asked that the <br />industry as stakeholders be involved in this process. He asked that the County Commissioners consider <br />exempting one site from the moratorium because it is about three days from filing. He asked the County <br />Commissioners to also consider exempting applications from the moratorium for permits to co-locate on <br />existing structures. He made reference to the hazard mitigation plans and the component of <br />
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