Orange County NC Website
� <br /> 4) Architectural Significance — link to well-known architect; nationally popular style; <br /> example of innovative construction technique <br /> 5) Environmental Significance—does farm still look like a farmstead <br /> 6) Contributing factors — does property have other features that contribute to knowledge of <br /> site, e.g. farm equipment, fountains, statues <br /> 7) Integrity— has the property changed or does it retain original features —windows, doors, <br /> etc. <br /> Common buildings gain significance as fhey get older if they retain their original features, <br /> particularly as fewer examples survive. <br /> Timeline <br /> - Murphey School added to National Register Study List— 1992 <br /> - Special Use Permit for new use— approved October 2008 <br /> - National Register Nomination — listed August 2009 <br /> - Renovation Work—certificate of occupancy issued August 2010 <br /> - Local Landmark Application <br /> o Part 1 (initial consideration)—submitted May 2009 <br /> o Part 2 (formal application) —submitted late August 2010 <br /> ■ HPC Accepted Application — October 2010 <br /> ■ Forwarded�to SHPO for comments — November 2010 <br /> ■ HPC reviewed SHPO comments and requested PH — December 2010 <br /> ■ Public Hea�ing with BOCC— March 2011 <br /> ■ Formal Recommendation from HPC (March 2011) <br /> ■ BOCC Consideration of Designation Ordinance (April 2011) <br /> No public comments. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner McKee <br /> to close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> refer the designation ordinance to the Historic Preservation Commission for its recommendation <br /> to come back to the Board of County Commissioners at its April 19th meeting. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs saicl that there was a time when Orange County had talked about <br /> purchasing this building as a community center rather than letting it fall to total disrepair. <br /> Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw said that the Murphey school site was identified <br /> by the HPC several years ago as a potential property for the County to consider working with <br /> the landowners to conserve through the Lands Legacy Program. It was in the action plan <br /> several years ago. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he wanted to point this out because there is a deficit of <br /> public space in the Eno Township. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Regular Agenda <br />