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�' <br /> Housing, Human Rights, and Community Development Director Tara Fikes introduced <br /> this item. She said that the County received $400,000 in CDBG funds in late 2007. During the <br /> last two and a half years those funds have been expended to repair a total of seven <br /> substandard dwellings in the community. In order to complete the grant closeout process with <br /> the Department of Commerce, this public hearing has to be held and any comments received <br /> during this public hearing regarding the performance in administering this grant must be shared <br /> with the Department of Commerce. <br /> No public comment. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Foushee close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz ', <br /> to approve authorizing execution of the Certificate of Completion by the Chair of the Board of '� <br /> County Commissioners. , <br /> VOTE:UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Murphev School'Local Historic Landmark Desiqnation <br /> The Board considered conducting a public hearing to receive public comment on the <br /> application and proposed ordinaiice to designate Murphey School as an Orange County Local <br /> Historic Landmark and refer the designation ordinance to the Historic Preservation Commission <br /> for its recommendation. <br /> Chair Pelissier recognized the six members from the Historic Preservation Commission. <br /> Tina Moon introduced the Historic Preservation Commission and made a PowerPoint <br /> presentation with pictures of the property. <br /> Honorary Designation Programs for Historic Properties <br /> National Reqister of Historic Places <br /> - Federal program, administered by National Park service in partnership with SHPOs <br /> - Properties designated individually or as part of historic districts <br /> - Eligibility for Rehabilitation Tax Credits <br /> - Consideration in planning process for federal and state projects <br /> - No design review requirement <br /> - Properties may lose designation if historic/architectural character is compromised <br /> Local Desiqnation Proqrams —Orange County Local Landmark Program <br /> - Administered by Historic Preservation commission (HPC) <br /> - Properties designated individually or as part of historic districts <br /> - Individual Landmarks eligible for 50% reduction in property taxes <br /> - Proposed changes require Certificate of Appropriateness from HPC <br /> - Properties may lose designation if historic/architectural character is compromised <br /> (subject to three year back taxes) <br /> Seven Criteria to Evaluate Significance <br /> 1) Resource Type — National Register status; single building or complex <br /> 2) Age — buildings gain significance with age <br /> 3) Historic Significance—association with famous person or event <br />