Orange County NC Website
_ �' <br /> All members must be Orange County residents. Full Membership Terms will be three years, <br /> with reappointments being at the discretion of the SportsPlex Management and the County <br /> Manager. <br /> The Advisory Committee will select a Chair and Vice Chair on an annual basis. <br /> MEETING SCHEDULE <br /> At Least Once per Quarter, and more frequently as necessary <br /> STAFF SUPPORT <br /> SportsPlex Management Staff- Principal Committee Administrative Staff <br /> County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) Director (or <br /> designee) — County Liaison <br /> Asset Management Director (or designee)— County Liaison <br /> 6. Public Hearinqs <br /> a. North Carolina Communitv Transportation Proqram (CTP) Administrative <br /> and Capital Grant Application FY 2011-2012 <br /> The Board considered conducting an annual public hearing on the North Carolina <br /> Community Transportation (CTP) grant application by Orange County Public Transportation for <br /> FY 2011-12, approving the grant application that includes adopting a resolution authorizing the <br /> applicant to enter into an agreement with NCDOT, and authorizing the County Attorney to <br /> complete the necessary certifications and assurances. <br /> AI Terry introduced this item. <br /> Chair Pelissier declared the public hearing open. <br /> No public comment. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to close the public hearing. ' <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to approve the Community Transportation Program Grant application for FY 2011-2012 in the <br /> total amount of$185,449 with local match of$27,817; authorize the County Attorney to <br /> complete the necessary certification and assurances; and approve and authorize the Chair to <br /> sign the Community Transportation Program Resolution and annual certified statements of <br /> participation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. CDBG Scattered Site Housinq Rehabilitation Proqram <br /> The Board considered conducting a public hearing to receive public comments prior to <br /> the official close-out of the County's FY 2007 Community Development (CDBG) Scattered Site <br /> Housing Rehabilitation Program and authorize execution of the Certificate of Completion by the <br /> Chair of the Board of County Commissioners. <br />