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�. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that in Section 2, Membership, the policy should say that <br /> the person can neither discuss nor vote on the matter of the award. The Clerk can come up <br /> with some sort of inechanism that when people apply that they disclose their affiliation. <br /> A motion was made by�Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve the proposed amendments to "A Resolution Creating the Orange County Arts <br /> Commission," with the changes. <br /> The changes are in Section 2, Membership as stated above. Frank Clifton offered <br /> language, "no person serving on the Arts Commission shall vote or discuss an award by the <br /> Arts Commission to an agency which they are a member of." The Board agreed on this <br /> wording. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that they should be able to discuss a project but not <br /> vote. She thinks that these members should be able to discuss it. <br /> Frank Clifton said that someone else from that group could come and discuss instead <br /> of the member of the Commission. <br /> VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> k. Reorganization of the SportsPlex Communitv Advisorv Committee <br /> The Board considered re4rganization of the SportsPlex Community Advisory <br /> Committee. ' � <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to say that the "members should reside <br /> in Orange County". She said that`tCiis�i's a facility that serves all of Orange County and she <br /> thinks it is a good idea to have g'�bgraphical representation —one member from each school <br /> system and one citizen at-large added. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz s�i'd that this committee is being created to represent specific <br /> interests and activities and wherle'�hey live should not matter. He would expect some <br /> geographic representation, but net a mandate. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he understands Commissioner Gordon's point but he <br /> agreed with Commissioner Yuh�sz. He said that this group will advise the General Manager, <br /> who will report to the County. H�`said that the current committee has advice from all areas that <br /> are participating in the activities.' He said that a report to the Recreation Board would be <br /> appropriate because that is a grd�up that the County also asks to give advice about recreation <br /> matters and the Sportsplex is not involved in that. This group is involved in making <br /> recommendations to Mr. Stock about programming. Programming is more the purview of the <br /> Recreation Board. <br /> Frank Clifton said that tlais is different from other facilities since people pay to use this <br /> facility and activities, and it is operated under a management contract. He said that this group <br /> is to focus on what programs the public is interested in. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve the Manager's recommendation: <br /> 1) Approve the Charge;�Composition and other provisions as outlined on Attachment 2 <br /> for a reorganized SportsPlex Community Advisory Committee; <br /> 2) Direct the manager and Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and <br /> Recreation (DEAPR7-Direcfior to confer with SportsPlex Management on initial <br /> potential appointees for the designated positions for the Committee; and <br /> 3) Direct the Manager'to work with SportsPlex management to appoint individuals to <br /> fill any future vacancies that occur on the Committee. <br /> With a friendly amendm�nt: <br /> That members shall reside in Orange County. <br />