Orange County NC Website
� <br /> Greenway Project as required by NCDOT as Contract Administrator for American Recovery and <br /> Reinvestment Act ("ARRA")funds. <br /> g_ Central Efland/North Buckhorn Sewer Extension Proiect -State Revolvinq Fund Loan <br /> Resolution <br /> The Board approved the resolution, which is incorporated by reference, stated that Orange <br /> County will repay the loan per the given items; and authorized the County Manager to sign the <br /> loan application as chief Executive Officer. <br /> h. Central Efland/North Buckhorn Sewer Extension Proiect— Railroad Riqht-of-Wav <br /> Occupancv Licenses <br /> The Board approved an occupancy license in the railroad right-of-way for three sections of <br /> sewer line in the upcoming Central Efland and Northern Buckhorn sewer extension projects. <br /> i. Oranqe Countv Arts Grant— Reallocation of Funds <br /> The Board approved reallocating $850 in County Funds from the Fall 2010 Orange County Arts <br /> Grants cycle to the Friends of the Carrboro Library and to Krista Bremer, with each receiving an <br /> additional $425. <br /> i Amendment to A Resolution Creatinq an Oranqe Countv Arts Commission <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> k. Reorqanization of the Spor�sPlex Communitv Advisorv Committee <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> I. Senior Oranae Countv Sta�f Ethics Policv <br /> The Board approved the Senior'�taff Ethics Policy. <br /> :,t <br /> 5. Items Removed From Consent Aqenda <br /> i Amendment to A Resolution Creatinq an Oranae Countv Arts Commission <br /> The Board considered a text amendment to the Resolution Creating an Orange County <br /> Arts Commission to grant the A`i-fs Commission the authority to award Arts Commission grants. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to Membership and read, "No organization <br /> which is a potential recipient of County arts funding shall have on the Commission more than <br /> two people who serve on its board or staff." She said that she would like to find a way to <br /> institute that. She said that the Clerk could handle this. Also, on the last page, item `d', she <br /> would like the County Commissioners to have a little more oversight. She said that it might be <br /> difficult to find people to serve ort.the commission who will not also be involved in their own <br /> grant submission because there;,.may not be that many people in the arts. She suggested <br /> keeping the wording for item `d' tlie way it was before. <br /> Martha Shannon, staff support for the Arts Commission said that members of the <br /> Commission who serve on otherboards, when that happens, those members abstain from <br /> voting, but participate in discussion. There is a conflict of interest policy that addresses this <br /> issue. <br /> Staff Attorney Annette Moore said that there could be a provision that prevents a <br /> member from discussion and voting. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he liked the way it is written because he is not familiar <br /> with the arts, and each year the �ounty Commissioners determine how much money as a <br /> Board that is allotted to this organization. He does not think that it should be up to the Board of <br /> County Commissioners to try and make those individual judgments as to whether or not <br /> particular artists or programs are worthy of an award. He feels it is best to allow the Arts <br /> Commission to make the awards on the Board's behalf. <br />