Orange County NC Website
�' <br /> allow Orange County to provide necessary services and programs to all the residents of Orange <br /> County. <br /> Heather Altman, staff at Carol Woods, said that it is their pleasure to be good <br /> neighbors and support services in Orange County. She thanked the County Commissioners for <br /> the recognition. <br /> b. Resolution Recoqnizinq and Conqratulatina the Town Of Carrboro on its <br /> One-Hundredth (100t 1 Anniversarv <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution Recognizing and Conqratulatinq the <br /> Town Of Carrboro on its One-Hundredth (100`h) Anniversarv, and direct the Clerk to the Board <br /> to forward the resolution to the Town of Carrboro. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 4. Consent Aqenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Yuhasz to approve the remaining consent items on the consent agenda. <br /> VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> a. Minutes <br /> The Board approved the minutes as submitted by the Clerk to the Board for: January 25, 2011 <br /> Work Session and February 2, 2011 regular Meeting <br /> b. Appointments— None <br /> c. Motor Vehicle Propertv Tax Release/Refunds <br /> The Board adopted a refund resolution, which is incorporated by reference, related to 26 <br /> requests for motor vehicle property tax releases or refunds. <br /> d. Bid Award: Food Services Equipment for Piedmont Food and Aqricultural Processinq <br /> Center <br /> The Board authorized the purchase of the ten food services equipment items as detailed on the <br /> tabulation from Holt Refrigeration of Charlotte, North Carolina at a total cost of$138,606.42 and <br /> the purchase of the seven food services equipment items as detailed on the tabulation from ! <br /> Morlando Construction company of Charlotte, North Carolina at a total cost of$79,085; <br /> authorized the purchase of two each walk-in coolers and freezers utilizing used panels Quality <br /> Refrigeration of Winston-Salem, North Carolina at a total cost of$96,691; and authorized staff <br /> to execute the necessary paperwork for the purchase of the equipment. <br /> e. Public Trail Easement and Trianqle Land Conservancv Fundinq Reauest for the <br /> Brumlev Forest Nature Preserve; and Approval of Budqet Amendment#7-C <br /> The Board accepted a public trail easement through the Triangle Land Conservancy's Brumley <br /> Forest Nature Preserve and a request from the Triangle Land Conservancy for funding <br /> assistance for its "Brumley Forest" acquisition in May 2010, and authorized the Chair and the <br /> Clerk to sign the easement agreement, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney, <br /> with a closing and recordation of the document expected to occur on or before March 31, 2011; <br /> and approved the Budget Amendment#7-C and authorized payment of$50,000 to the Triangle <br /> Land Conservancy to help offset costs to acquire the Brumley Forest Nature Preserve. <br /> f. Contract Amendment for Enqineerinq and Construction Administration Services for <br /> Twin Creeks Greenwav <br /> The Board authorized the Manager to sign the Contract Amendment not to exceed $25,875 for <br /> Contract Administration Services with Coulter, Jewell, Thames, PA for the Twin Creeks <br />