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� <br /> PUBLIC CHARGE <br /> The Chair dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br /> 2. Public Comments <br /> a. Matters not on the Printed Aaenda <br /> Ed Kerwin, Executive Director of OWASA, said that he was here with Chris Moran, the <br /> Executive Director of the Inter-Faith Council, to keep awareness high that there is a certain <br /> population of customers that have difficulty paying their water bills. In 1977, OWASA, in <br /> partnership with the IFC established the Taste of Hope customer assistance program. <br /> Customers voluntarily sign up for this program, and the bill is rounded up to the next whole <br /> dollar to help customers that cannot afford to pay their bills. He presented a proposed <br /> resolution. OWASA typically raises about $7,000 a year for this program, but the need is much <br /> greater. He asked the County Commissioners to reaffirm their support for this program and <br /> consider the proposed resolution at a later meeting formally. He also made reference to the <br /> copy of the newsletter, which featured the program. Soon, there will be a donation option for <br /> customers to be able to donate more money than just rounding up to the next dollar. He said <br /> that customers can sign up by calling 537-4343 or visit the website at www.owasa.orq. <br /> Chris Moran, Executive Director of the Inter-Faith Council, thanked the County <br /> Commissioners for the gift of land for Project Homestart, which will be 14 years old this April. <br /> He said that the IFC has received a gift from UNC for a new men's residential facility. It will be <br /> located relatively close to the Project Homestart facility. This is an ideal location and is zoned <br /> correctly. This will be a permanent location after a temporary stay at the old municipal building. <br /> He also spoke about the importance of the Taste of Hope program. He said that the amount of ° <br /> people at 100% of poverty level is at the highest that he has seen it. He said that any additional <br /> help from the County Commissioners to generate more funds for the Taste of Hope program <br /> would be greatly appreciated and helpful to OWASA households. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that this resolution would be referred to the staff. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that there is a Boy Scout troop in attendance working on a badge by <br /> attending the meeting. She welcomed them. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Aqenda <br /> These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda below. <br /> 3. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Special Recoqnition of the Carol Woods Retirement Communitv <br /> The Board considered recognizing Carol Woods Retirement Community for its <br /> continuing financial contribution to Orange County. <br /> Financial Services Director Clarence Grier said that the Carol Woods Retirement <br /> Community is a non-profit retirement community organization located in Chapel Hill. Carol <br /> Woods provides services to meet the needs of older adults for housing, health, well-being, and <br /> protection of financial security. Carol Woods encourages participation in and service to the <br /> larger community. He said that Carol Woods has been exempt from paying property taxes <br /> under State law since fiscal year 2002-2003. Although exempt, Carol Woods recognizes its <br /> economic and civic responsibility in continuing to make a financial contribution to assist Orange <br /> County in meeting its budgetary demands each fiscal year. Over the past nine fiscal years, <br /> Carol Woods has contributed $1,716,244. These contributions to the General Fund continue to <br />