Orange County NC Website
� <br /> - 250th anniversary <br /> - Ag demonstration <br /> - Crafts <br /> - Oral histories <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the staff for all of the work they have done. He asked if <br /> the rehabilitation of outbuildings was done with deconstructed wood and it was answered yes. <br /> He said that it would be nice to mention that somewhere. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the park was designed with Durham Tech in mind, ', <br /> which is right down the road and Durham Tech may be interested in collaborating on a <br /> community garden. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the relocation of beavers and Lori Taft said that it is <br /> just relocation and not eradicatiorr. <br /> Commissioner Gordon thanked everyone for their work on this plan. She said that the <br /> interim plan makes a lot of sense. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that this may be a location for the local Eagle Scouts to <br /> build some projects. Also, the Frisbee golfers are looking for more space. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve adopting the proposed master plan for the future Blackwood Farm Park. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reports .`,` <br /> a. Buckhorn-Mebane U�iFities Phase II/Land Use: Communitv Outreach <br /> The Board received a re�ort on upcoming community outreach in the Buckhorn- <br /> Mebane Phase II Utilities area. "4� ' '' ` <br /> Planning Director Craig���riedict said that this is an update on this Phase II. The <br /> Board of County Commissioners allocated funds for engineering design work roughly from <br /> Gravelly Hill Middle School area tiowards Buckhorn Road and further towards Collington Farms. <br /> He showed the area on a map. Area A has frontage on I-85/I-40 and is adjacent to Collington <br /> Farms and the City of Mebane. 'This is an area for potential economic development. When the <br /> small area plan was developed, this area was not within the water and sewer boundary plan. <br /> These changes have been made and this area is consistent with the water and sewer boundary <br /> agreement. The County staff will be meeting with the residents to talk about the next phase. <br /> One of the recommendations is to change this designation from Agricultural-Residential to <br /> something suitable for economic development. About 100 different letters were sent out to <br /> citizens talking about the land use planning area, the small area planning efforts, and some of <br /> the design work that will be done in this area. There will be a meeting at Gravelly Hill Middle <br /> School on March 7t" in the auditorium to answer questions of the general public. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs si�g'gested including in the presentation the County's policies <br /> regarding watershed protection and the Upper Eno. This always comes up. <br /> 9. Countv Manaqer's Report <br /> None <br /> 10. Countv Attornev's Report <br /> John Roberts said that when he started here the County Commissioners asked him to <br /> codify the ordinances and this is almost finished. Municode will be sending a PDF tomorrow for <br /> the departments to review. He wilf send it to the Board of County Commissioners for review. <br />