Orange County NC Website
�' <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the collaboration with DSS is very welcomed and she <br /> applauded this. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve receiving the Orange County Master Aging Plan Annual Progress <br /> Report for 2010 and accept the recommendations for 2011. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Proposed Master Plan for Future Blackwood Farm Park <br /> The Board considered adopting the proposed master plan for the future Blackwood <br /> Farm Park. <br /> Gwen Harvey introduced this item. Dave Stancil was unable to attend due to a family <br /> emergency. The proposed master plan was presented to the Board on April 13, 2010. The <br /> Board provided the following feedback at that meeting: <br /> - The master plan is consistent with the vision and conceptual plan for this site <br /> - The map should be modified to show that the pine forest located in the northwest <br /> corner of the site could be used for active recreation, pending further approval; <br /> - The Board would like the site to be made available to the public for limited interim uses <br /> (prior to park construction)-as long as there is adequate public safety; and there are <br /> safeguards for the buildings and other cultural resources on the property <br /> - The Board changed the working title of the site to "Future Blackwood Farm Park." <br /> The recommendation is fo'r the Board to provide feedback and to give instruction on <br /> how to move forward with the limited public use (outlined in Attachment 4). <br /> Rich Shaw and Lori TafC'r`riade a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Blackwood Farm <br /> - 152 acres (acquired 200"I)` <br /> - Midway btw Hillsborough and Chapel Hill <br /> - Frontage on NC 86, New`l-lope Church Road (and I-40) <br /> - Former Blackwood family farm (since 1906) <br /> Characteristics of the Site ' } ` <br /> - Historic/cultural assets " � <br /> o Historic farmstead with outbuildings <br /> o Old Hillsborough-Chapel Hill roadbed <br /> o Scenic vista from New Hope Church Road <br /> o Cemetery " <br /> - Natural assets <br /> o Prime farmland <br /> o Large pond (3 acres) <br /> o Mature forest (natural heritage site) <br /> The Draft Master Plan <br /> - Preliminary Concept Plan` <br /> - Citizen master plan committee (14 members) <br /> - 7 meetings <br /> o Site walks � <br /> o Stakeholder meetings <br /> o Visits to other parks <br />