Minutes 11-10-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 11-10-2011
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Last modified
8/20/2015 9:21:13 AM
Creation date
12/14/2011 3:46:43 PM
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Work Session
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Agenda - 11-10-2011
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Agendas are placed at the Orange County library only now ( Chapel Hill Library requested that <br /> we no longer deliver agendas because no one ever asked for them —the preference of patrons <br /> was to look at the agendas on-line) <br /> For all other meetings (special, work sessions, etc.) a copy of the agenda and attachments <br /> shall be available to members of the news media the morning of the moo+ip prior to the <br /> meeting (usually 48-72 hours before the meeting on-line). <br /> (c) The board may, by approval a majority of its of three members, i.e. an affirmative <br /> vote equal to a quorum ( where mentioned, change three (3) to a "majority" to constitute a <br /> quorum of the board. <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to pages 11-14 and said that they were not <br /> controversial and the Board could move on to the next item. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that some of these items can be controversial. She made <br /> reference to the section (page 12 of the abstract) which deals with placing copies of the <br /> agenda in libraries. She said that it was particularly important to include copies of public <br /> hearing agendas for the public in the libraries. She wants to make sure that the Chapel Hill <br /> Public Library is not being deleted from the list of places to include these documents. She said <br /> that people have told her that they have read these documents in the library. <br /> Clerk to the Board Donna Baker said that she was asked about this because of the <br /> moving of the library into the mall. She will clarify with the Chapel Hill Library. <br /> Chair Pelissier suggested leaving Chapel Hill Library in the document and if they do <br /> not accept, then they do not accept, but Orange County would like it to be there. That way the <br /> decision is on Chapel Hill. <br /> Donna Baker will clarify placing the Quarterly Public Hearing Agendas versus Regular <br /> Agendas with the Chapel Hill Library. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 13 of the abstract and the <br /> Appointments in the Consent Agenda. She said that she thought that the Board decided to <br /> take Appointments out of the Consent Agenda. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she is also concerned about Planning items and that <br /> the Board's general policy is not to hold a vote the first time the item is held for Planning items. <br /> Discussion ensued on this issue and the Board agreed to add an exception that <br /> Planning items could be voted upon with unanimous consent of the Board at a public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to when to add items to the agenda, which is <br /> on page 7. Her thought process is that an item is not added to the agenda unless it is urgent <br /> or time-sensitive. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he does not understand all of the implications of that, <br /> so he is not in favor of that. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she agrees in principle, but she would rather leave it as is. <br /> Page 16: Rule 10. Informal Public Comments—change to: Items not on the Printed Agenda: I <br /> hour total. <br /> Page 16: Rule 11. Order of Business. <br />
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