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Item 5-i. Public hearing notice for November 21. Again, the specific language proposed is not <br /> available. There could be changes proposed in sections 4 (comp. plan) and 5 (UDO) that could <br /> raise questions. For example, in attachment 1 on page 6 of the packet (page 4 at the bottom of <br /> the page) it says that in the amendment packet the proposed UDO amendments have been <br /> divided into three categories, and the third category is "substantive." The hearing will be in <br /> three weeks, and yet the text is not available, and there are many places where changes will be <br /> proposed. When will the language be available? There may not be much time for the public to <br /> study the text amendments after the agenda packet is made available. My suggestion � <br /> is that the proposed amendments be posted on the county website at least finro weeks before <br /> the public hearing. <br /> Staff Response: <br /> Item 5-i: At the August 23, 2011 BOCC meeting when the forms for the November QPH <br /> were approved, Commissioner Gordon requested, and the Board concurred, that the <br /> specific language be made available on the County's website by close of day on <br /> November 7 (2 weeks prior to the QPH). The QPH packet will be posted on or before this <br /> date. Additionally, the BOCC receives Planning Board packets (including Ordinance <br /> Review Committee (ORC) agendas). The draft language for items the ORC reviewed was <br /> part of the October 5 ORC packet. Staff does not recall the specific amendment <br /> language previously being part of the agenda item approving the legal ad. (Board <br /> members may also note that Board approval of the legal ad is an unwritten BOCC <br /> policy). <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Go�don, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger that the proposed amendments be posted on the County website no later than finro <br /> weeks before the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> approve the November 21, 2011 Quarterly Public Hearing advertisement, with changes. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Public Hearinq-NONE <br /> 8. Reaular Aqenda-NONE <br /> 9. Reports <br /> a. Economic Develoament Status Update <br /> Economic Development Director Steve Brantley recognized some of the Economic <br /> Development staff: Arts Commission Director Martha Shannon, Executive Director of Chapel <br /> Hill-Orange County Visitor's Bureau Laurie Paocelli, and Economic Development Coordinator <br /> Noah Rannells. <br /> Steve Brant/ey made a PowerPoint presentation, along with Laurie Paocelli and Craig <br /> Benedict. <br /> Orange County <br /> Economic Development <br />