Orange County NC Website
autonomously from the government. He also thanked the Chapel Hill Chamber of Commerce <br /> for its work on this. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he participated in a planning retreat with Piedmont <br /> Behavioral Health, on behalf of Orange-Person-Chatham Mental Health to discuss the <br /> governing structure of the new greater PBH and the merger of five counties into one <br /> organization. The current legislation requires that there be County Commissioner participant in <br /> the governing board. Part of the structure is that there will continue to be a local community <br /> operations center that will recommend a member up to the larger governing board. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she attend the Triangle Land Conservancy <br /> Conserve Lands and Preserve Drinking Water Summit last week. There were speakers from <br /> around the area as well as a Commissioner from New York City that helped the drinking water <br /> situation there. She said that the population is causing the problem with quality and quantity <br /> and also the climate has changed with the storage of water because of higher temperatures. <br /> There need to be alternatives. <br /> Commissioner Foushee— none <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she attended the Master Aging Plan Work Group meeting last <br /> week. She said that 150 people came to speak on the anticipated increase in their aging <br /> population. <br /> Chair Pelissier made reference to retreat planning and said that in the past there have <br /> been three people to work on the committee for what will be discussed at the retreat. She ' <br /> asked for volunteers for this. She suggests that one of the items be looking at the IT Strategic <br /> Plan. <br /> Commissioner Gordon, Commissioner Foushee, Commissioner Jacobs, and <br /> Commissioner McKee volunteered. Commissioner Gordon deferred since there were four that <br /> volunteered. <br /> Commissioner Foushee, Commissioner Jacobs, and Commissioner McKee will be on <br /> the committee. The Clerk to the Board will coordinate a meeting to discuss this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs reported that the opening of the food processing center was last <br /> week and about 250 people attended. <br /> 14. Information Items <br /> • October 18, 2011 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> 15. Closed Session <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to go into closed session at for the purpose of: <br /> "Pursuant to G.S. § 143-318.11(a)(3) "to consult with an attorney retained by the Board in order <br /> to preserve the attorney-client privilege befinreen the attorney and the Board" <br /> And <br /> " To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of <br /> appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or <br /> prospective public officer or employee, " NCGS 143-318.11 (a)(6) <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION <br />