Orange County NC Website
b. Proqress Report: One-Quarter (1/4) Cent Sales and Use Tax Referendum <br /> Public Education Campaiqn <br /> Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that the County is one week from the <br /> general election and the referendum on this sales and use tax. They have embarked on an <br /> advertisement campaign on this issue. She said that the Board of Elections Director told her <br /> this afternoon that 2,200 people have voted in the early voting. She gave the history of this <br /> referendum. She said that the money will be used for economic development and schools. <br /> The infrastructure needs to be put into place before there can be economic development. The <br /> tax will not apply to gas, groceries, and medicine. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Allan Rosen said that he does not know the depth of spreading of the word about this <br /> referendum. He said that a lot of people are still on the fence about this issue because they do <br /> not know what the Board of County Commissioners will do with economic development and <br /> they are skeptical. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked that something be put in the newspapers about the plans <br /> for economic development. <br /> 10. Countv Manaqer's Report <br /> NONE <br /> 11. Countv Attornev's Report <br /> NONE <br /> 12. Appointments <br /> NONE <br /> 13. Board Comments <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that ridership for Triangle Transit is up almost 20%. There <br /> are also some improvements such as WiFi on buses and the number of call center calls have <br /> increased. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that the primary focus of the September TARPO meeting <br /> was the allocation of points for projects in the four-county area. Orange County was allocated <br /> 300 points and it only had three road projects. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that last week he was asked by a citizen about two old flags <br /> on County courthouse property and he told staff about it. The flags have now been replaced. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the NCACC agriculture committee met last week and <br /> there was some concern among municipalities about what constitutes a bona fide farm, <br /> especially in terms of agri-entertainment or agri-tourism. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the way in which the new rules of Jordan <br /> Lake and Falls Lake and the impact on agriculture. There will be a joint meeting with NCACC's <br /> environmental committee in February to discuss those. He said that it seems that agriculture is <br /> not being given its fair consideration. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked Commissioner Hemminger and Councilmember Rich <br /> for their teadership on the quarter-cent sales tax educational committee that operated <br />