Orange County NC Website
�. Aerial photograph(s) of the proposed site with boundaries identified <br /> ��. FEMA floodplain map <br /> � Soil-type map <br /> e Wetlands delineation map and report <br /> � C. Ownership and Covenants <br /> Ownership map /tax map <br /> Q. Documentation of property ownership and legal description of property boundaries (if <br /> the site is comprised of multiple parcels, provide documentation for each parcel) <br /> �-;. Documentation of site availability (option agreement or letter of commitment to sell) <br /> �. Easements and right-of-way map(s) <br /> :�. Copy of the industrial park covenants and restrictions (if applicable) <br /> � D. Zoning <br /> �. Zoning map and description of allowable uses (for site and surrounding area) ' <br /> �. Letter indicating commitment to rezone (if applicable) <br /> E. Infrastructure <br /> Utility Infrastructure map(s) identifying the following: <br /> ���. Power lines <br /> Gas lines <br /> Water lines <br /> Sewer lines <br /> �.;. Telecommunications infrastructure <br /> E. Infrastructure (continued) <br /> ' �. If Utilities are not at the site; please provide a letter from the service provider(s)with a <br /> detailed description of how the service will be brought to the site, incfuding the following <br /> information: <br /> �. Identification of right-of-way and ownerships; description of acquisition process <br /> ;. Cost of extending utilities to site <br /> Schedule for completion (including right-of-way acquisition if necessary) <br /> F. Studies and Reports <br /> �. Phase I (and/or Phase I I) environmental study <br /> �. Geotechnical assessment report <br /> �. Endangered species investigation report <br /> �. Archeological and historical investigation report <br /> Chair Pelissier asked that the PowerPoint be added to the County's website and Craig <br /> Benedict said that this could be done. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Craig Benedict about approving the Mattress Factory Road <br /> exit issue. Craig Benedict said that there was a public hearing on the Access Management <br /> Plan and it has been taken through the Planning Board and the OUTBoard with approval. It <br /> comes back on November 15th for a formal adoption. There still has to be a focused resolution <br /> about the Mattress Factory Road interchange to send to Burlington and Mebane. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that when the County Commissioners talked in the past <br /> about transfer of development rights, there was discussion about transfer into the economic <br /> development districts. He asked how this would work. <br /> Craig Benedict said that TDR and the idea of exchanging one area to another area and <br /> the intent to have focused development areas is becoming problematic because of the nutrients <br /> that are released from such an intense site. He thinks that the dialogue will continue because <br /> focused growth is becoming more and more important. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked if the number of farmers that farm on the Breeze Farm is tracked <br /> and Noah Rannells said that this is a joint effort between EDC and Cooperative Extension. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked for this information to come to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners in some sort of update or report about the activities. <br />