Agenda - 12-13-2011 - 8e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-13-2011
Agenda - 12-13-2011 - 8e
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2/21/2012 1:10:17 PM
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12/9/2011 1:00:12 PM
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Minutes 12-13-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
ORD-2011-047 Budget Ordinance Amendment #5-B - Study for EMS Services & E911 Communication Center
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2011
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9 <br />department operates a mixed shift system with a 24/72 rotation and a modified 12 hour DuPont <br />schedule. The 24172 shift means an individual is on for one 24 hour period and is then off for <br />72 hours. This requires four shifts to provide around the clock coverage. The 12 .hour modified <br />DuPont schedule requires two shifts to provide peak load coverage seven days a week. <br />Currently there are four 24 hour units and one 12 hour unit serving the County seven days a <br />week. The department is currently training staff to add at least one additional 12 hour unit to <br />the system to address peak workloads and betfer manage personnel costs. This addition will <br />also increase unit availability. <br />In 2007/2008 the system utilized the 24/48 staffing model to place more units on the road, but <br />the impact to overtime spending was severe. This increased workload on staff !ed to increased <br />worker's compensation claims, increased turnover within the department and early retirements. <br />In fiscal year 2007'!2008 overtime (department wide} was $663,360. <br />A common myth is that adequate staffing negates the need for overtime. Although overtime is <br />reduced when sufficient numbers of units are fielded to address system needs, overtime is <br />necessary to accommodate absences due to employee leave, illnesses and mandatory training. <br />Most EMS systems utilizing best practices address these issues by having sufficient resources <br />that allow staffing above the critical level. For example, a neighboring system deploys as many <br />as seventeen ambulances but identifies minimum staffing at thirteen units before overtime is <br />utilized to re-staff above critical levels. <br />Over the years, overtime has been reduced by nearly ten percent per year since <br />'200712008. fn fiscal year 2090!2011, overtime expended to maintain EMS, E911 and <br />mandatory support coverage was $484,290 department wide, a 27% reduction in overtime <br />spending since FY 2007108. This reduction in overtime was achieved by re-tasking available <br />assets, flexibly redeploying resources, and working diligently with Human Resources to reduce <br />recruitment and hiring timeframes. <br />)n addition, staffing needs were being addressed to begin right-sizing the system. Those efforts <br />are still underway to further reduce overtime spending. Addi#ional staffing is necessary to <br />improve EMS response time and reduce overtime spending by putting additional ambulances <br />into the system. To accomplish this with the Boards support, the EMS system needs to add <br />staff. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The approval of these recommendations will have a financial impact on a <br />multi-year basis regarding capital and equipment additions and improvements and additions in <br />staffing. <br />(Agenda Item #5 for this November 17, 2011 meeting provides a summary of the potential costs <br />associated with Emergency Services Coverage, Capacity and System Improvements addressed <br />in this and other agenda items.) <br />REC4MMENDATION(S}: The Manager recommends that the Board authorize the Manager to <br />contract with a consultant to assist the department with the development of a multi-year <br />strategic plan addressing EMS station locations, equipment and personnel needs. The purpose <br />of the study is to provide a comprehensive and scheduled approach with associated costs for <br />Board review and approval. <br />
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