Orange County NC Website
~--- A~ a <br />>i~s-zox-i-ono <br />ORQiRi-GE COI~NTY BOARD OF COM.MtSSIONERS <br />Resofutio-n Regarding Orange-County's FY 2017-1-2 Funding to support tfie <br />Town of Chapel Hilr Library <br />WH-EREAS, the. Town- of Chapel Hi(I operates a municipal libr-ary system that serves bo#~. <br />~resicients within the Town limi#s as-well as residents ootside the Town corporate limits; and <br />1N~HEREAS, for many years, and without the benefit of a f~orrnal agreement, Orange County <br />has contributed funding- to the Town to help support the library services provided to all Library <br />patrons; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town in recent years has voiced an expects#ion that Orange County <br />significantly increase its annual fundi-ng allocation to the Town to support the use of-the Town <br />Library by Orange County residents living outside~the Town's [imits; and <br />WHEREAS, the County in recent .years -has expressed an interest ire -entering -into a formal, <br />written interlc~l agreement with-the Town that addresses issues such as graduated increases <br />in -County funding contEibutions and efforts to achieve interoperab+iify between the Town and <br />County library systems; and . <br />WHEREASr although extensive discussions have occurred, the Town-.and County have been <br />unable to reach agreement-on County anrr~ual funding confifibutior~s, interoperability, and othef <br />iss~:~es, leading the Chapel Hill Town Ct~uncil to -consider implementir~ a library services user <br />fee effective August 15, 2x.11 for Orange County patrons living outside Town limits; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of County <br />Commissioners-establishes ttie following: <br />1) Tfae County will provide total'Funding_ in the amount of $342,986 during .FY X011-12-to <br />the Town to support the fibrarysenrices a[f Chapel Hill Libra~rypatrons upon <br />the approval and signature ~by both the Town and County of 'an interlocai° agreement <br />(similarfo the framework of.the attached draft agreement); <br />2) The, County will provide apro-rated share of the $342,986 to the Town from July 1, <br />2011 through the date which coincides with the Town's proposed. schedule for <br />implementation of -a user flee for library services by Orange County patr_or~s living <br />outside Town limits; and <br />3) Should. the Town implement a fee at some later date for use. of Chapel Hill Library <br />services by Orange County patrons living outside Town limi#s, Orange County may <br />consider establishing a. fund to assist and/or reimburse eligible users required by the <br />Town to pay that fee. <br />This the 21~ day of June, 201'[. ~~ ~ ~ . <br />Bemadett8 Pelissier, Chair ' <br />Orange County Board of Com-missioners <br />Attest: <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board of Commissioners - <br />