Minutes - 20011211
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011211
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8/14/2008 5:04:03 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:58:16 PM
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2001 S Purchasing - Homer David Blackwood, Mary Alice Blackwood Offer to Purchase and Contract
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Commissioner Gordan noted the financial impact statement, which indicates that there is no <br />direct immediate impact and asked what the long-term impact would be. John Link said that they are <br />using their present staff. However, there will be some cast to address the signage, but additional staff <br />such as interpreters may need to be added. He suggested we pursue signage and use existing staff to <br />respond to telephone inquiries. There is already staff in DSS and the Health Department who speak <br />Spanish. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis encouraged the staff to be creative. He said that there were many <br />graduate students and many people in the Hispanic community who would love to be able to pick up <br />some extra money by helping with these services. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the proposed policy and action plan. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Regulated Recyclable Materials Ordinance <br />The Board considered adopting a Regulated Recyclable Materials ordinance. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the information that was distributed. Page three has the <br />equipment costs associated with this initiative. He made reference to the issue of prohibition of open <br />burning of wood waste as it relates to agricultural enterprises and said that the Board has asked staff to <br />work on this mare and it will be coming back to the County Commissioners. <br />Rod Visser said that the staff is also asking the Board to approve the creation of a permanent <br />full-time Construction and Demolition Education and Enforcement Specialist when this ordinance is <br />adopted. This ordinance was recommended from the C&D Recycling Task Farce that was appointed by <br />the Commissioners in late 1999. The purpose of the proposed ordinance is to regulate recyclable <br />construction and demolition materials and other materials in the waste stream by keeping them from <br />being landfilled and requiring that they be separated through recycling policies. The Board held a public <br />hearing in November on the ordinance and received a lot of feedback from the public. Most of the <br />concerns were related to how this would affect the agricultural community, particularly with regard to <br />potential threats on land-clearing practices for new fields. The Board of County Commissioners is very <br />concerned about this. The staff is recommending that the Board adopt the ordinance without this point <br />far now. The staff will come back within a few months and include a ban on burning of non-reusable <br />wood waste after the options are examined for helping the agricultural community. The only significant <br />change in the ordinance from the public hearing is that the definition of solid waste has been changed to <br />eliminate non-reusable wood waste as an element. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the horizontal grinder and if it is mobile and can be <br />transported and Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that it could be transported. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt <br />the ordinance as attached and approved the creation of a permanent, full-time Construction and <br />Demolition Education/Enforcement Specialist position, effective immediately. <br />There was someone that had signed up to speak about this item. <br />Aaron Nelson, Executive Director of the Chapel Hill-Carrbaro Chamber of Commerce, <br />encouraged the Board to further explore ways to provide incentives to encourage people to use this <br />ordinance in advance of the expiration of the grace period. A discount in tipping fees would be helpful. <br />He objected to the 6Q-day delay for the demolition of buildings to allow time for staff to assess what can <br />be salvaged. The delay should be restricted to the full demolition of a structure -not knocking out a wall <br />or removing a door. He asked for flexible enforcement of segregated materials. He said that he could <br />put his cardboard at his curbside collection. He asked if the truck would be allowed to dump at the site, if <br />it is not just for C&D but for everything that comes through the landfill. <br />Gayle Wilson said that the ban on cardboard that currently exists does not apply to residential <br />cardboard because there are not curbside programs that collect cardboard. This ordinance would apply <br />to all cardboard. However, staff will focus on C&D, associated cardboard, and commercial cardboard. <br />Regarding the 60-day option for demolition, the ordinance allows up to 60 days and he does not feel that <br />it will take nearly that long. Quite honestly, the staff believes that 90+% of projects would be delayed two <br />weeks or less. <br />
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