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Commissioner Brawn expressed a concern about the right turn lane and said that she needs <br />the assurance that this will happen. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to defer <br />this item until there is a response from DOT about the right turn taper. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for some clarification an the subdivision regulations that can <br />require a right turn taper in this case. Craig Benedict said that the volume of traffic for this road at the <br />peak hour did not meet the threshold for a taper. The staff can ensure with the developer that aright-of- <br />way is dedicated in this area in case the volume of traffic ever increases. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the taper was a reasonable request because this area is <br />going to grow and the traffic volume will also increase. <br />John McAdams asked for a conditional approval that, if DOT agrees to this, the development <br />stands approved. If DOT does not approve this abbreviated turn lane, then the development comes <br />back to the Board for further deliberation. <br />Commissioner Carey made a substitute motion that if DOT approves the abbreviated turn <br />lane that the development stands approved. If DOT does not approve the abbreviated turn lane, then <br />this item will come back to the Board. Commissioner Gordan seconded the motion. <br />VOTE ON THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION: UNAMINOUS (This now makes the substitute motion the main <br />motion) <br />VOTE ON THE MAIN MOTION: UNANIMOUS <br />h. Appointment to Hillsborough Board of Adjustment <br />The Board considered an appointment to the Hillsborough Board of Adjustment. A motion <br />was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordan to appoint William Crowther to a term <br />ending October 1, 2004. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Southeast High-Speed Rail Tier I Draft Environmental Impact Statement <br />The Board received a report on the Southeast High-Speed Rail project and potential impacts <br />on Orange County. <br />Craig Benedict made this presentation. This has been amulti-state effort to put ahigh-speed <br />rail from Washington, DC to Charlotte, NC. The Tier I draft EIS considers nine alternative routes far a <br />high-speed train that would run between those two points four times per day. Six of the routes go though <br />Orange County. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to option "A"and asked about the location of the <br />business space. Craig Benedict said that these are preliminary numbers and hypothetical situations. <br />He said that what they plan to do is to use the same corridor for high speed lines, freight lines and when <br />possible within the area designated far existing rail lines. Federal monies fund this. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked why Craig Benedict said that whether or not the line goes <br />through here that the regular rail lines will need to be upgraded. Craig Benedict said that, based an <br />discussions at the public hearings, there is a need to revamp the existing rail lines for the normal volume <br />in freight and passengers. Commissioner Gordon said that she understands that this high-speed train <br />would not stop in Orange County and Craig Benedict confirmed that statement. Craig Benedict said that <br />the stops would be in Raleigh and Greensboro. Someone could take a different train to these stops and <br />then continue on the high-speed train. Commissioner Gordon said that it is not clear to her how Triangle <br />Transit Authority (TTA) and the high-speed rail would coexist an the same corridor. She feels we need <br />to become more active and give opinions for the greater good. She said that we need to try and get the <br />best passible route through Orange County. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he met with this group and the trains will not be going as fast as <br />anticipated so the curves will not have to be changed. More than likely they would keep the rail in our <br />existing right-of-way. He suggested a companion map because significant public facilities such as Cedar <br />Ridge High School, Grady Brown Elementary School and the Hillsborough Water Treatment plant are in <br />the three-mile radius. <br />