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Commissioner Gordan asked far additional information on the 60-day period to make sure <br />that other smaller projects would not be delayed needlessly. There could be some criteria to identify <br />some exclusions (i.e., home improvement projects). <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Birdsong Subdivision Preliminary Plan <br />The Board considered a preliminary plan for the proposed Birdsong subdivision. This item <br />was tabled on October 16, 2001 for additional analysis on five issues, which are outlined in the agenda <br />abstract. The developer, Mr. Batouli is in agreement with all of the provisions and resolutions of the <br />issues that were brought forward. <br />Craig Benedict made this presentation. The project is in Cedar Grove Township on the south <br />side of Little River Church Road. There are 31 acres subdivided into three lots of just aver 10 acres <br />each through the exempt process. There are 26 single-family residential lots proposed an the <br />conservation cluster. The proposed open space is 20.44 acres or 37.4°~ of the site. He explained the <br />five issues and the resolutions to the issues. <br />Chair Jacobs thanked the developer for responding to the concern from the Commissioners. <br />He asked that something be in the Homeowner's Association Agreement to specify that if residents do <br />seek to remove beavers that they do it in conjunction with the Animal Protection Society. <br />Chair Jacobs asked staff to have something at the February public hearing about trying to <br />provide central solid waste collection sites in subdivisions above a certain number of lots. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Brown to <br />approve the preliminary plan for Birdsong subdivision in accordance with the resolution, which is <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />g_ Fox Hill Farm Central Preliminary Plan <br />The Board considered a preliminary plan far the proposed Fox Hill Farm Central subdivision. <br />Craig Benedict noted that this item was postponed from the November 19th agenda for <br />additional information. He explained the six issues the Board had with this subdivision, which are <br />outlined in the agenda abstract. The applicant is in complete agreement with four of the six issues and in <br />partial agreement with the other two. Regarding the issue of a right-turn taper on Baldwin Road at the <br />southern entrance, staff is suggesting that a letter be written to DOT representative Mike Mills asking if a <br />shorter taper and a larger radius would be acceptable. The developer was in agreement with this. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the possibility of having a site designated for a <br />recycling center and asked haw it could happen. Craig Benedict showed on a map the site that is a <br />probable location for the recycling center. Commissioner Brown is concerned about the lots closest to <br />the site and how it would affect the owners. She would want the owners to be aware of the potential site <br />and not be upset when the recycling center is put there. <br />John McAdams, developer of the project, said that their concern about the recycling center is <br />how it would operate and what it would mean to the development. They do not know what a recycling <br />center would generate as far as noise, traffic, etc. There is so much that is not known about the <br />recycling center and there are many concerns. Regarding the turn lane issue, they agree with the <br />proposal by the County that DOT be approached for approval of a larger turn radius and a 50-foot taper. <br />They are uncertain about their requirement if DOT says na. They think it is a bad idea to build a 300-foot <br />long turn lane to accommodate seven right turns in the peak hour. <br />Craig Benedict said that if DOT does not approve the abridged turn lane, then there would be <br />no turn lane required. <br />Discussion ensued about the possible recycling center. <br />John Link said that the message to the homeowner's association would be one of economics <br />because at some point in the future, Orange County will no longer provide curbside recycling for free. <br />The residents will either choose to continue curbside recycling for a fee or put in a recycling center. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if the five-acre lots could be further subdivided. Craig Benedict said that <br />there are no restrictions on those lots for any further subdivision. <br />