Minutes - 20011203
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011203
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8/14/2008 5:04:40 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:58:04 PM
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Agenda - 12-03-2001
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solid waste purposes. The basic intent of both resolutions is to seek the approval of the elected boards <br />that the basic uses of the Greene Tract will be for public purposes. The work group agreed to continue <br />to work on the details of how the uses would fit an the tract. He said that he has not seen any <br />documentation on Chapel Hill's decision on the resolutions. <br />Chair Jacobs asked for clarity an which resolution was to be adopted. <br />Assistant County Manager Rod Visser said that the resolution on pages four and five was the <br />one that the work group adopted and the one on page three was the one drafted as a result of the one <br />on pages four and five. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked for an explanation of the implications of saying open space and <br />then specifically saying recreation. <br />Commissioner Carey said that there was sentiment in both directions an the work group <br />{passive and active recreation}. He said that the work group tried to provide what they felt the <br />sentiments were of the public and the elected boards. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the first resolution just said open space and now this one <br />says open space and recreation. <br />Commissioner Carey said the group tried to stay away from specific uses because the <br />number of active recreation uses would be minimal. He said that there was clear interest in preserving <br />the natural areas and the wildlife corridors. <br />Commissioner Gordon read from page three and amended the language as follows: "Now, <br />therefore, be it resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby affirm solely the <br />three public purposes of open space (primarily preservation of the natural environment), affordable <br />housing {as defined in the Affordable Housing Task Force report), and recreation (active and low- <br />impact) as the three basic uses to be programmed far the 109 acres of the Greene tract that remain in <br />joint ownership." <br />Commissioner Brown said that she thinks that Chapel Hill would like to lank at more than just <br />the Greene Tract when discussing the uses and consider the bigger picture. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed that you could not look at this tract in isolation -that he Neville <br />Tract must also be considered in the big picture. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that we should remember that the Greene Tract needs to go <br />forward in a time frame and the Commissioners mayor may not feel the same way about other tracts as <br />they do about this one. She would not like to see the other tracts inextricably entwined so that the 109 <br />acres could not go forward in a timely manner. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Commissioner Carey and Commissioner Brown far sitting on <br />the work group for the Greene Tract. He commended them for their work and progress. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil brought up a map and <br />painted out the different tracts that are being discussed. <br />Chair Jacobs said that it seems that the Neville Tract has the potential to accommodate more <br />of the active recreation and it is closer to Eubanks Road and could be reached through the landfill site <br />instead of through the neighborhood. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the group needs to get an update from Solid Waste on the <br />timeframe for the use of the Neville Tract. She thinks it will be tied up for many years. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he would like to see a development that would have services close by <br />sa that people would not have to get in their car to ga everywhere. There might be enough of a critical <br />mass to support a neighborhood store for the affordable housing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to approve <br />the resolution as stated below: <br />A RESOLUTION REGARDING RECOMMENDED USES OF THE 109 ACRES OF THE GREENE <br />TRACT THAT REMAIN IN JOINT OWNERSHIP <br />
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