Minutes - 20011203
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011203
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8/14/2008 5:04:40 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:58:04 PM
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Agenda - 12-03-2001
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Commissioner Gordon gave some suggestions. On the transmittal letter to Becky Heron, <br />Chair, Transportation Advisory Committee, in the second paragraph line three, she suggested the <br />following change: "Orange County would like to give priority to identified safety needs on existing roads <br />and bridges, to other transportation projects that encourage alternatives to automobile travel, fo projects <br />that minimize adverse impacts on the natural environment and cultural sites, and to those that foster <br />designated economic development districts." Similar language would be used on pages nine and <br />thirteen. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks it is important to indicate to the recipients of this <br />priority list that the Board of County Commissioners is including the recommendations of the EDD <br />Transportation Work Group far their information so that they realize it is a separate document. She <br />offered the following language in the letter to Becky Heron to indicate this: "For your information, we are <br />also including attachment #1, the recommendations of the EDD Transportation Work Group." This would <br />also be done on page eight. <br />Commissioner Brown spoke about the wildlife corridor along I-85 on page 12. She did not <br />see anything about the pedestrian corridor under US 70 that would connect the trail system from the <br />New Hope to the Eno on page 22. She asked Commissioner Gordon if we could add this and <br />Commissioner Gordan said yes. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is supporting the recommendations about Elizabeth <br />Brady Road because they were the consensus of the work group. She thinks what we are saying is that <br />we want this to be the least environmentally damaging corridor. She said that there has been some <br />disagreement about Elizabeth Brady Road and it still has not been resolved. <br />Craig Benedict said that it was mentioned in the work group that Elizabeth Brady Road would <br />not serve as a bypass, but more of a local road. <br />Chair Jacobs said that while there was not unanimity in the work group, it was still a very <br />diverse group that had elected representation and the group had some level of consensus. <br />Commissioner Brown commented about how the intersections look such as at US 70 and <br />Churton Street. She asked why these intersections could not be attractive with trees and landscaping. <br />She would like to include this on pages 12 and 13. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about non-native plantings along the interstate. He said that this is a <br />great subject for further discussion because some of the plants attract birds, which get killed by vehicles <br />on the interstate. Maybe it could be a simple statement put together by the staff and inserted in the <br />proper place in the document. <br />Commissioner Brawn reiterated her changes -the trail connection and the aesthetic <br />landscaping component to the intersections. <br />Chair Jacobs would like to forward copies of this to the school boards. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the Orange County Transportation Priority Lists for the 2004-2010 TIP as amended by <br />Commissioners Gordon and Brown, and to authorize the Chair to sign the two letters as included in the <br />agenda and amended by the Commissioners. <br />DOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Water and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement <br />The Board considered adopting the Water and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary <br />Agreement following final review by parties to the agreement. <br />Craig Benedict pointed out on a map the various water service areas. All of the descriptions <br />are outlined within the agreement. There was a minor change to the agreement that was made by the <br />Town of Chapel Hill regarding the retraction of their urban services line in the southeast portion of the <br />city. Accordingly, OWASA's responsibility areas would also be retracted. After this is reviewed by the <br />Board of County Commissioners, Carrboro will need to review it. Carrboro has requested that <br />Rangewood and Heritage Hills be included in the agreement somewhere instead of only on the map. <br />The staff believes that the agreement incorporates the changes made by Chapel Hill and addresses <br />Carrboro's concern about the two projects. This agreement will be used as a springboard for other <br />comprehensive planning issues in the County. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out that this has been a long time in coming and he has been working <br />an it far many years, along with Commissioners Carey and Gordan. <br />
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