Abstract - Annual Renewal of Interlocal Agreement between Town of Hillsborough and Orange County for Stormwater Program Management and Erosion Control Services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
Abstract - Annual Renewal of Interlocal Agreement between Town of Hillsborough and Orange County for Stormwater Program Management and Erosion Control Services
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Last modified
8/7/2012 10:42:27 AM
Creation date
12/8/2011 3:09:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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4 <br />WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the citizens of the Town and County to promote a <br />~~stainahle community that provides for the monitoring of soil erosion, sedimentation control <br />and protection of water quality; and <br />WHEREAS approval of this Interlocal Agreement can help promote a sf~~-a~n~ble <br />community, <br />NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND THE <br />FULFILL1ViENT OF THE TERMS OF THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, THE COUNTY <br />AND TOWN AGREE AS FOLLOWS: <br />ARTICLE 1-SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1.1 The Town shaIl be responsible for protecting the quality of storm water runoff and <br />surface waters in the Town to the extent required by the Clean Water Act and <br />associated regulations promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection <br />Agency and/or the State of North Carolina, and other laws and regulations that may <br />apply to the Town_ However, on behalf of the Town, the County will fulfill during the <br />term of this Interlocal Agreement, and any subsequent renewal thereof the selected <br />services related to the Town's Pem~it that are identified in the annual workplan set forth <br />in section A2 of the attached Schedule A (hereafter the "Annual Workplan) as the <br />"County's Ministerial Responsibility" for the fast and any such subsequent renewal <br />term (hereafter the "Services', provided the Town fillfiils the terms of this Interlocal <br />Agreement and each Interlocal Responsibility identified in the Annual Workplan as the <br />`'own's Responsibility" for the first and any such subsequent renewal term of this <br />Interlocal Agreement. <br />1.2 The County shall during the temp of this Interlocal Agreement and any subsequent <br />renewal thereof, enforce the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance as it is <br />currently enacted and as it may be amended or reenacted from time to time, and <br />perform such other services in connection with the enforcement of the ordinance <br />(hereafter the "Services' described in Schedule B. <br />1.3 Town hereby grants County the right to go upon and otherwise access Town property, <br />including any drainage easements, and the rights-of--way of streets within the Town <br />which have been accepted for dedication by the Town, for purposes of carrying out the <br />Services. County shall not be required to provide Services on private property, unless <br />the Town provides the County with legal right of access to the same. <br />1.4 County through its employees shall be responsible for the performance of the Services, <br />including the staff of the Erosion Control Division of the County's Pianrling and <br />Inspections Department, or any successor division or department as may be designated <br />by the County Manager. <br />
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