Abstract - Annual Renewal of Interlocal Agreement between Town of Hillsborough and Orange County for Stormwater Program Management and Erosion Control Services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
Abstract - Annual Renewal of Interlocal Agreement between Town of Hillsborough and Orange County for Stormwater Program Management and Erosion Control Services
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Last modified
8/7/2012 10:42:27 AM
Creation date
12/8/2011 3:09:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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19 <br />Town of Hillsborough Stormwater Management Program <br />Work Plan September 2010 <br />ANNUAL REPORTING AND EVALUATION <br />In order to help evaluate the effectiveness of the Town's NPDES Phase [l stomrwater <br />program, NCDWQ requires the submittal of an annual report. The annual report <br />submitted to NCDWQ is an online report that quant'fies program elements completed in <br />the previous permit year. Additionally, Orange County stormwa#er staff will prepare a <br />narrative annual report containing the same information as submitted online, but with <br />details that include changes and updates to the stormwater management plan. This <br />written annual report becomes a part of the Town's stormwater management program <br />and provides a summary of completed tasks and action items for the subsequent permit <br />year. The scope of this task wi(f include the following components: <br />• Track necessary data fot' the annual report using the County's Permit Plus <br />database software, Good Housekeeping inspection database, and an Excel <br />spreadsheet based log. <br />• Asses progress toward each measurable goal to detem~ine whether it was <br />completed. Determine effectiveness of each measurable goal .and make <br />modifications for following year as warranted. Document goals not completed <br />and reason (i.e. lack of resources, staff time, etc.). <br />• Evaluate effectiveness of current tracking mechanisms and develop a <br />streamlined, central tracking system for all 6 components of the Town's <br />stormwater program. , <br />• Fill out and submit NCDWQs annual online report as required by the Town's <br />Permit- <br />• Draft a narrative report concurrently and submit the Town, including Presenting <br />the report to the Hillsborough Town Board. <br />• Update the Town's Stormwater Management Plan based on changes in <br />measurable goals and accomplishments. <br />IMPAIRED WATERS AND TIVIDL <br />Presently, no waters within the Town's jurisdiction are Listed as impaired. Likewise, no <br />waters have been determined to contain a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). However, <br />the Town's NPDES permit does contain requirements should a water within the Town's <br />jurisdiction become impaired or if a TMDL is developed for a given water body. The <br />tasks associated with these requirements are beyond the scope of this work plan. <br />Should these requirements become necessary, an updated work plan wi(I be developed <br />and associated fees for these services determined. <br />t~..._.. y~ _~~-r <br />
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