Orange County NC Website
16 <br />Town of Hillsborough Stormwater Management Program <br />Work Plan September 2010 <br />• Enforcement Response Plan <br />Update the IDDEP to contain appropriate enforcement response procedures <br />describing. actions to address common violations of the IDDEP. <br />• Conduct Employee Cross training <br />Conduct at least one training session for Town employees during the permit <br />cycle. Provide information regarding appropriate training .sessions provided by <br />other entities. Identify other Town employees that can be cross-trained. <br />• Update Mapping <br />Update the GIS stormwater mapping system to reflect changes to the MS4 as <br />necessary. This may incude updating stormwater system components for new <br />development, repairs, and maintenance, in addition to updating stream data <br />based on surface water identifcation requests. Mapping updates of the MS4 is <br />solely the Town's responsibility. <br />• Local Stream Monitoring <br />Complete current stream sampling project, assess results and provide a report <br />summarizing the data and possible implications. Evaluate the need for additional <br />stream sampiing/monitoring. Identify possible partnerships for collaborative <br />sampling/monitoring efforts. <br />• Public Education and Reporting <br />Generally, this portion of the stormwater management plan is included in <br />sections 1 and 2 above and wilt include distribution of an iiliat discharge fact <br />sheet to residences and businesses through events described above. <br />• Explore funding <br />Provide input to the Town so that funding sources and funding options can be <br />fully explored. Discuss funding options with the Town Board. Ultimately, it is the <br />Town's responsibility to fund their stormwater program. <br />4. Construction-Site Stormwater Runoff Control <br />Orange County implements and enforces construction site stormwater runoff control <br />for the Town of Hi[Isborough's through its erosion control program. Orange County <br />has lopl delegated authority from the state to implement an erosion control program. <br />This work plan is part of a legal agreement allowing Orange County to enforce the <br />Orange County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance within the Town's <br />jurisdiction. <br />Measurable Goa/s <br />• Plan Review <br />Review and approve erosion control plans for proposed new development <br />projects within the Town's jurisdiction to ensure compliance with the Orange <br />County Erosion Gontrol Ordinance. <br />TL... i A ..t~1~1 <br />