Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Town of Hillsborough ~ Stomruvater Management Program <br />Work Plan September 2010 <br />NC Big Sweep <br />Coordinate the Town's participation in the annual NC Big Sweep event each fall. <br />Volunteer Stream Monitorin4 <br />Currently there' are three volunteer groups conducting stream monitoring within <br />the Town's jurisdiction. A local Boy Scout Troop is conducting monitoring of <br />Sti![house Creek; Triangle Fly Fishers a local Trout Unlimited and Federation of <br />Fly Fishers affiliate, has recently started monitoring a section of the Eno River, <br />and another volunteer group made up from studenfs at CW Stanford middle <br />school has Megan monitoring the stream flowing through their eco-classroom. <br />Continue providing assistance to volunteer groups currently conducting stream <br />monitoring. Assistance may include training, providing materials (as resources <br />a[low), and review collected data to determine possible water quality trends. As <br />part of this goal, information will be disseminated to other volunteer groups <br />interested in starting a stream monitoring program. <br />• Town Board and Planning Board Input <br />Once annually, present an update to Hillsborough's Town Board regarding the <br />stormwater program and seek input on pertinent issues. Once annually, present <br />information to the Town's Planning Board and/or Board of Adjustment regarding <br />stormwater impacts from development. <br />Rain Garden Program <br />Distribute handouts and information on rain gardens to local citizens through <br />events, festivals, and information requests. Conduct a rain garden workshop, <br />centered on the rain garden at Stillhouse Creek Coordinate with other local staff <br />to promote installation of rain gardens, and provide technical expertise in <br />designing and constructing rain gardens as needed and as time and resources <br />allow. <br />3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination . <br />The Town's stormwater illicit discharge detection and elimination program is outlined <br />in its Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan (IDDEP). This IDDEP details <br />measures that Town staff follows to find and eliminate illicit discharges and <br />connections to the MS4. Under their new permit, the.IDDEP shall an enforcement_ <br />response plan describing actions to be . taken for common violations. Other <br />components of this program include employee cross-training, updating mapping, and <br />evaluating funding sources to expand the program. <br />Measurable Goals <br />Procedures for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination . <br />Continue implementing the Town's IDDEP. This includes identifying at feast one <br />new priority area annually and conducting dry weather inspections of the area <br />identified. Maintain information in a database or other appropriate mechanism. <br />Tf..~ i v ..r n~ <br />