Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Town of Hillsborough Stormwater Management Program <br />Work Plan - September 2010 <br />STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM <br />The fiollowing sections describe the Town's stormwater management program and <br />measurable goals for each BMP. Measurable goals are based on the Town's current <br />NPDES Phase ii permit, .original stormwater management plan, and 'modifications <br />needed to best meet the objectives of the Town's Stormwater Program during its initial <br />implementation. While the six BMPs are not expected to change- over the life of this <br />stormwater management plan, measurable goats may be modified, removed, or new <br />goals added. Changes may be necessary to meet permit renewal requirements, <br />changes in resources, or to be more effective in reducing impacts to the MS4. <br />Modifications to these goals will be documented within the required annual report. <br />1. Public Education and Outreach <br />The Town's stomlwater public education and outreach program includes <br />dissemination of educational materials, stormwater newsletter, school programs <br />centered on earth day celebrations, stotmwater best management practices (BMPs) <br />demonstration site at Stiflhouse Creek, and membership in the Clean Wafer <br />Education Partnership. <br />Measurable Goals <br />• Develop and Distribute Materials <br />Develop educational materials or modify/utilize existing materials available from <br />other agencies. Distribute educational materials through educational programs, <br />local events (such as Hog Day, Eno River Festival, Last Friday's, etc.) and place <br />informational flyers at Town Hall, the Orange County Library, and the Orange <br />County Planning and Inspections Department. - <br />• Stormwater Newsletter <br />Write articles and publish The Stormwater Almanac a local newsletter developed <br />by Orange County stormwater staff, two to four times annually. Paper copies of <br />the newsletter will be distributed at various events and educational programs. <br />Work with the Tovim's public information officer to post the newsletter on the <br />Town's website and send a notification when a new' issue is available to those <br />subscribed to the Town's email notification list <br />• School Programs <br />Partner with other local government departments conducting environmental <br />education to conduct school programs. This includes participation in established <br />Earth Day and Earth Walk programs coordinated by Orange Soil and Water - <br />Conservation District (OSWCD). Support other departments such as Orange <br />County Parks and Recreation and Environment and Resource Conservation <br />Department (ERCD) that also conduct school programs. Continue support of the <br />°eco-classroom' at C.W. Stanford and Orange High Schools, which has a strong <br />stormwater education component_ <br /> <br />