Minutes - 20011129
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011129
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8/14/2008 5:04:55 PM
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8/13/2008 1:57:58 PM
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David Stancil then talked about aperatian and maintenance. The number of facilities is expected to <br />increase from 2 now to 8 by 2006. The main question is will the maintenance be done by the County's <br />Public Works Department or by the Recreation and Parks Department or will all or a portion of the <br />maintenance be contracted out? He listed the anticipated facilities as listed below: <br />7 soccer ormulti-purpose fields <br />2 youth baseball/softball fields <br />8-10 trails <br />2 basketball court complexes <br />3-4 playgrounds {2 existing) <br />5 picnic areas <br />David Stancil said that in addition to staff, the County will need to purchase equipment in order to <br />maintain the fields and trails. <br />Chair Halkiatis said that he feels that the $51,000 projected cost far equipment is very modest and <br />David Stancil will take another look at this. <br />Included in the proposed resource needs would be three new positions - Park Services Supervisor, <br />Park Services Technician and Park Services Assistant. David Stancil explained these positions. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that he would like for the County to explore contracting with the school systems <br />because they have the staff and also the equipment to maintain fields. <br />Commissioner Brown spoke in support of coordinating activities between the schools and the <br />County. She asked if the County could came up with a proposal that would include the schools in <br />coordinating operation and maintenance. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he feels that the County should take the lead in coordinating <br />operation and maintenance activities with the towns and the schools. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels it might be easier to proceed with the schools first because of the <br />budget structure. She supports proceeding with the towns but feels that it would be a longer process. <br />John Link suggested doing a survey to determine what resources are available to help or assist <br />with operation and maintenance. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the soccer fields and said that the conflicts between the <br />use of the fields could be fixed with coordination. The County may be able to take leadership. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels it would be beneficial to have a memorandum of agreement with the <br />towns and that now would be the time to bring this forth. We have been awaiting the preparation of this <br />agreement for many months. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Carey met with officials and staff from <br />Chapel Hill on a capital policy for parks. The County has not received any feedback from Chapel Hill or <br />Carrboro. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he feels that this draft report will help move things along. It is timely <br />to move the process on this policy forward. <br />John Link said that within the next few days, the Board of County Commissioners will receive a <br />schedule which will show when the Board can reasonably expect to receive bond money over the next <br />
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