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not heard within 10 days the stay will be dissolved pending a hearing on the <br />appeal. <br />c. An appeal shall be served on the County Attorney who will forward the appeal <br />to Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee. <br />d. The franchisee may either appeal by letter or request a hearing before the <br />Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee. <br />e. The Hearing shall be scheduled within 2 days of receipt of notice of appeal and <br />shall be commenced within 10 days. The franchisee may present evidence and <br />give oral testimony at the hearing, <br />f. The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee shall provide a written <br />response to the franchise within 10 days of the hearing. The Committee shall <br />remove the stay, provide a recommendation for corrective action and set a time <br />for completion or forward a recommendation to the Board of County <br />Commissioners for suspension or termination of the franchise agreement. <br />g. The Board of County Commissioners shall review the recommendation and <br />make a decision based on the information contained in the recommendation <br />from the County Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee. <br />4. All provisions of any county ordinance in conflict with these amendments are repealed. <br />5. These amendments to these Ordinances shall become effective upon adoption. <br />This the _ day of February, 2010. <br />Valerie P. Foushee, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Attest: <br />Donna Baker, Clerk to the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />(Seal) <br />