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Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to see a plan far where we are going and the <br />indicators that will show a success. He would like to see the living wage issue addressed for childcare <br />workers also. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the desire to get UNC-CH involved with providing <br />childcare for employees. She would like to add childcare as one of the benefits to County employees. <br />Chair Halkiotis commended the Orange County Partnership for Young Children on its work on <br />this issue. He also said that Jahn Link religiously attends these meetings and that he cares for little <br />children. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Brawn to approve <br />the Child Care Scholarship Fund Promotion and Fundraising Plan and award County funds of $40,000 to <br />OCPYC to serve as a challenge grant to the community to support child care scholarships far low- <br />income working families far the current fiscal year. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Legal Advertisement for November 26, 2001 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />The Board considered authorizing a legal advertisement for the scheduled November 26, <br />2001 quarterly public hearing. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict summarized the items for the November 26, 2001 Quarterly <br />public hearing. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the payment-in-lieu program for recreation and parks that <br />she thought was going to be on this public hearing. Craig Benedict said that there is a consultant <br />working on this. He said that the passing of the bond mixes into haw the payment-in-lieu calculations will <br />be created. The staff cannot move forward until the level of service is established through the new bond <br />program. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve <br />the items for the November 26, 2001 Quarterly Public Hearing as presented. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. County Limited English Proficiency Policy and Action Plan <br />The Board was to consider a policy to eliminate or reduce the extent to which limited English <br />proficiency is a barrier to County services. However, this item was postponed. <br />e. Appointments <br />The Board was to consider appointments to the Affordable Housing Task Farce, Carrboro <br />Board of Adjustment, Carrboro Committee to Preserve the Adams Property on Bolin Creek, Orange <br />County Community Housing and Land Trust, and Hillsborough Board of Adjustment. However, this item <br />was postponed. <br />10. REPORTS -NONE <br />11. APPOINTMENTS -NONE <br />12. MINUTES -NONE <br />13. CLOSED SESSION <br />"To discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County Attorney on the <br />negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase real property," NCGS § 143- <br />318.11(a)(5). <br />DELAYED <br />14. ADJOURNMENT <br />