Minutes - 20011107
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011107
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8/14/2008 5:06:52 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:57:28 PM
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Agenda - 11-07-2001-6a
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The Board considered establishing two new permanent full-time child protection social <br />workers and one child protection supervisor to be funded at 100 percent under the federal Temporary <br />Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. <br />John Link noted that the County Commissioners approved some eight months ago, four new <br />positions in the Child Protective Services. There were four other positions that were delayed until the <br />new DSS Director was hired. He supports this recommendation to establish two new permanent full-time <br />child protection social workers and one child protection supervisor to be funded at 100 percent under the <br />Federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. <br />Commissioner Gordan clarified that this funding is long-term and Jahn Link indicated that this <br />is a federal funding source that is supposed to be long-term. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the startup costs and DSS Director Nancy Colton said <br />that these start-up costs would be funded by federal monies. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Jacobs, John Link said that it is a state and <br />federal mandate to carry out child protection services. He would not recommend cutting the position if <br />the federal funding were cut because it is a legal mandate. <br />Nancy Colton pointed out that this was not competitive grant funding, but an allocation that <br />has been available to Orange County all along. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the mandated services of other departments. He would <br />like to be consistent in what is asked of staff and how positions should be treated. John Link said that <br />not all positions are created alike because there are certain basic and core functions that the County <br />must provide (i.e., EMS, Child Protective Services, etc.}. He said that there was not one policy that <br />should be implemented uniformly across all County departments. <br />Chair Halkiotis suggested setting up a small group to work with the Manager and staff and <br />look at this for the future. <br />Commissioner Gordan pointed out that these are important positions having to do with the <br />safety of children. She hopes that it can be worked out so that we can go forward with these positions. <br />If we have to wait, let us not wait too long. <br />Commissioner Brown said that we have looked at these positions since the last budget. They <br />are so valuable and needed and she does not want to hesitate any longer to make these positions <br />available to Social Services. She fully supports these positions. The issue of state and federal funding <br />of positions is a separate issue that does need to be addressed. However, these positions should be <br />approved right now. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Brawn to approve <br />establishing the proposed three new positions (one Child Protective Service Social Work Supervisor and <br />two Child Protective Services Social Workers) in the child welfare program at Social Services effective <br />November 1, 2001, and approved the use of the remaining funds to prepare office space and acquire <br />needed equipment. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NO, 1 {Commissioner Jacobs -supports the nature of the position, but he thinks we <br />need to work out the consistency of our approach, procedures, and policies before we take an action) <br />b. Child Care Scholarship Fund <br />The Board considered approving a childcare scholarship fund promotion and fundraising <br />plan, and awarding $40,000 in County funds to the Orange County Partnership for Young Children for <br />child care scholarships for law-income working families. <br />John Link said that the $40,000 would address at least 15 families over the remainder of the <br />year. He made reference to the series of steps an page four of the agenda abstract. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked John Link about the $40,000. He said that these were funds <br />approved under the miscellaneous code by the County Commissioners for this purpose. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that under the recommendations, there is a reference to <br />development of a plan and asked who was going to do this and the time frame. Michele Rivest with the <br />Orange County Partnership for Young Children said that they have been operating in the County for <br />eight years. This would be the beginning of a collaborative plan to address the needs of working parents <br />by broadening the partnerships. They hope to have a much more comprehensive way to address this <br />issue. <br />
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