Minutes - 20011022
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20011022
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Last modified
8/14/2008 5:07:23 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:57:20 PM
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Agenda - 10-22-2001-1
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helpful. Commissioner Brawn asked that David Stancil give a rationale for the design. Chair Halkiotis <br />asked what the discussion was on the number of school sites. David Stancil used a map and showed <br />generally where the schools could be and where the parks could be. The Commissioners were in <br />general agreement with the map. Commissioner Brown asked if there is a plan for taking care of this <br />property. David Stancil said that he would bring forth a report next month. Chair Halkiotis asked that <br />David Stancil provide in this report haw the Sheriff is interfacing with this plan and haw he plans to <br />protect the buildings. David Stancil said that he has a plan to meet with the Sheriff and Pam Janes to <br />go out to the site and talk about security. <br />3. Little River Park Advisory Committee Interim Report <br />Rich Shaw, Land Conservation Manager, said that the Little River Park Advisory Committee <br />met seven times last year and presented to the County Commissioners the first of August an interim <br />report. The committee report contained a set of recommendations on what uses should be allowed in <br />the park. The recommendations are provided in three categories as listed below: <br />Allowed uses -hiking trails, picnic area, hard surf loop trail, playground, etc. <br />Conditional uses -horseback riding, mountain biking, group camping, etc. <br />Prohibited uses -motorized vehicles, hunting, firearms <br />When the recommendations were made in August, there was a request from the County <br />Commissioners for additional information. Staff responses were included in the agenda packet as <br />well as a prioritized list of facilities proposed for the park. Commissioner Brown asked for the location <br />of the horse trails and discussion ensued on the viability of this activity. Commissioner Brawn said <br />that she would like to see individual campsites provided on this property. Rich Shaw said that it could <br />be done with oversight. The committee sees more variables that would involve more management <br />than a local government could provide. Commissioner Brawn wants to see this park have uses so <br />that as many people as possible could participate. She see the necessity of having someone on site <br />24-hours a day. Commissioner Brawn said that she is concerned how the funding is spent. She <br />would like it spent carefully. It seems to her that $5,000 is a lot of money far a few people who are <br />actively pursuing their hobby. She feels that those who enjoy horseback riding could raise the money <br />for these trails. Commissioner Gordon feels that with some of these activities, there will need to be <br />mare staff than there would be for low impact recreational facilities. <br />Commissioner Carey feels that mast of the concerns that Commissioner Brawn has about <br />camping can be addressed. He said that having someone out there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year <br />can be an expensive proposition. He would like to see the property actively used with part of the <br />property being preserved. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that his vision would be to have a small home an the property with a septic <br />system and a well. There will be a small shower area with a public toilet. You have your rules and <br />regulations which are enforced by a caretaker who lives in the house. He feels that mountain bikes <br />and a small campground are compatible uses. He suggested that horses not be allowed. Rich Shaw <br />said that there is an old house located near the entrance on this property that would need to be <br />renovated before someone could live in it. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the grant. David Stancil said that the amount is $262,000 <br />which needs to be used for this property by September, 2002. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that we go ahead and look at the recommendation, <br />authorize the staff to solicit bids to develop a concept plan, investigate the feasibility of someone living <br />on site as a caretaker, talk to the people who live in the area, especially the equestrian people and <br />see if they are willing to provide sweat equity to build the trails. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what would be needed to put in trails for mountain bikes. Rich <br />Shaw showed that these trails could be located in the southeast area. A person from the audience <br />said that he just came back from Dupont Forest in Brevard and they built multiuse trails which can be <br />used for equestrian trails, hikers and mountain bikers. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if there is a consensus to not support equestrian interest unless <br />there is further input. <br />
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