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Commissioner Jacobs asked far the location of Hillsborough's ETJ and if it has ever <br />changed and Margaret Hauth said that it has not changed since the mid 1980'x. Commissioner <br />Jacobs said that the EDD Transportation Committee has recognized that there are a lot of issues, <br />which will impact the Town and County areas. One of the County's proposals would include the <br />Town's 50-year water and sewer area. It would be reasonable for the County to give the Town an <br />opportunity to comment in an area that is now in the County's jurisdiction. He feels we could do a <br />better job of predicting where we are going if we had one plan for the Town and surrounding County <br />jurisdiction. Brian Lowen asked if the County Commissioners would review development proposals <br />within the Town's jurisdiction and Commissioner Jacobs said that he is talking about reviewing <br />applications, which are in the ETJ area of Hillsborough. Brian Lowen said that they will be <br />considering an application for annexation of a 16 home development in the Town's ETJ and asked if <br />this would be something the County would like to review. Commissioner Jacobs said that the County <br />could possibly give additional information on something like this that would help the Town of <br />Hillsborough in their assessment of the impacts created by a development of this size. Commissioner <br />Jacobs said that he would like to have an opportunity to say that these are some things the Town may <br />want to think about before approving. Brian Lowen said that he has a problem with the size of <br />developments that the County would review. He said that if there is a courtesy review he feels that <br />there should be a minimum number of lots that could be approved without a courtesy review by the <br />County. <br />Ken Chavious said that the Town can always send the County Commissioners information <br />and the County could decide if they want to do a courtesy review. Also, if a development comes in <br />and asks for annexation, we should have a rule that the answer is the same whether they go to the <br />Town first or to the County first. Commissioner Jacobs said that the County could do an impact <br />statement ar a complete analysis so that all the impacts including water and sewer, schools, etc. are <br />understood. Mark Sheridan said that he thought that a decision was made that we would jointly <br />develop criteria for sharing information between the two Planning Departments. Craig Benedict said <br />that the planning directors have met and are talking about the impacts and a cutoff for a decision of <br />concern - is it 20 or 100. He said that there are variables to consider in every development <br />application. There are thresholds that would be considered far some but not considered for others. <br />He said that he and Margaret Hauth can came up with ideas but he would like input from the County <br />Commissioners on what information they want to receive from each application. <br />Craig Benedict said that Orange County adopted a courtesy review with some <br />thresholds in it. However, Hillsborough's concern was the workload that would be added for this <br />process. <br />Mark Sheridan made reference to the Pathways project and said that it helped that <br />both jurisdictions reviewed this project and did an analysis of the impacts created by this proposed <br />development. He said that the Planning Directors could look at the projects and decide which projects <br />may need a joint meeting. <br />Frances Dancy said that it would be helpful to have a threshold for which projects <br />would have courtesy review. <br />Chair Halkiotis made reference to what is happening on Orange Grove Road and the <br />Cedar Ridge Road High School. He said that they have had a concern about the traffic and have <br />asked for a traffic light. What they did not consider was the bridge on Orange Grove Road, which is <br />not substantial enough to hold two cars and two trucks atone time. The school system is trying to get <br />DOT to add a bicycle lane to this bridge. Part of the process of courtesy review is to jointly support <br />projects with local and state officials and highlight problems that we identify. We can do more <br />together. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there will be issues in the future where bath entities <br />will need to be involved. He suggested that the County contribute to the water study that <br />Hillsborough has been discussing. He would like far the County to split the cost of the study or match <br />what Hillsborough is willing to put up for the study. Eric Peterson said that he feels it is generous for <br />the County to offer to donate to this study. He said that there are a lot of rate methodologies to figure <br />the rates but he knows how much it takes to pay for the system so a study would not benefit the <br />County. Chair Halkiotis said that he supports Commissioner Jacobs' suggestion. The County has <br />been talking with Mebane about water and sewer issues and the County now has a relationship with <br />